youth welcoming speeches for church

Below is youth welcoming speeches for church

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Our church pastor and the first lady, who are present with us today here,

The invited ministers of the gospel present during this day meant to celebrate the youths in our church. Members of our church, ladies and gentlemen.

I greet you in Jesus name!

What a joy to be here today as we gather to thank our Lord Jesus for the wonderful opportunity given to each and every one of us.

As a church we always mark different events that take place in our church. They all remind us what a fellowship we have as a community of believers who God has set aside to proclaim the everlasting gospel to the whole world.

This fellowship shows that we are unique in that the bible calls us the light of the world.

As we remind ourselves today what manner of love we have in the Father in that we have been adopted by our Father through Jesus our Lord.

This eternity journey is exciting that we are all one in Him who is Christ.

Ladies and gentlemen may the good Lord keep us strong in the faith as we await Jesus who is coming soon,

Therefore our youths in our church have prepared exciting programs that are going to show us the grace of God and how it is working wonders in each and every one of us.

The youth leader is here with us and has told me that they have much to share with us today. I urge each and every one of us to prepare well to learn something that will show how much the our God loves us.

They presentations right from sermons, songs and skits that are centered around the saving power of the Lord.

In the next few minutes the programs are going to start.

Before I hand over the introduction session to our pastor to tell us what to do then the youths will pick up from there to take the events of the day the very end.

I ask the visitors who are joining us for the first time to raise up their hands so that we can know exactly where they are sited.

I know the ushers of our church have done their work and shown the visitors the Lord has given us today where they are going to sit.

We have special gifts for them

Now let me invite our pastor to welcome the visitors officially and make his special remarks to start off this day.

Pastor welcome

youth welcoming speeches for church

sample speech for welcome talk for youth ministry

I greet you all in the name of Jesus,

Hope the Lord has kept you well and thank you for hearkening to our call and coming to attend this seminar,

As a young man the Lord has directed us to stay in the word in order to make our ways straight.

Feel welcome as you listen to today's talk from our guest.

youth welcoming speeches for church

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Let me take this precious moments to thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful love and opportunity granted to us to see this day as we celebrate the youth day in our church.

I want to echo the word of the psalmist which says " How can a young person keep his way perfect? And God answers by saying that is by walking and doing according to the word of God".

We are happy to congregate here today as we learn and meditate on the word of God which is a lamp into our feet.

Let us thank the Holy Spirit for the guidance and being with us all through.

Let me welcome you and feel at Jesus feet as we share the love of God today.

Thanks a lot.

Youth secretary speech in church

as a youth secretary in your church write a welcome address to officially launch your youth week celebration

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Allow me to welcome you to the first day during this official launch of our youth week of celebration in our church.

We want to thank our Lord for the wonderful love shown to us and the grace that has enabled us to gather in this manner.

We have planned and prayed for the occasion and finally it is here with us.

All the programs is set and I'm happy to report back as the youth secretary that we have put all the systems in place and let us now set ourselves for an exciting week full of love from the Lord.

Feel at Jesus feet and let us you know that your presence here is highly appreciated.

Welcome and God bless you

Thank you very much for attending our church service, may our good Lord be with you always

youth welcoming speeches for church

We also help you on how to give a welcoming speech in a youths gathering

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