Your Welcoming sunday online service

Find Welcoming sunday online service that you can use to welcome church members as you conduct your church services through zoom or any other ways through online.

On behalf of our church pastor, let me take this precious moment to welcome you to our online services, we want to thank our God for enabling us to meet through this means, no matter the distance, feel that we are together because our God is good and has made it possible for us to zoom and have the service together,we are going to start the service by a.word of prayer from our brother John


Welcoming sunday online service

Our God is good. What a joy to connect today through zoom as we share the word of God as we fellowship, we know that our lives have been limited this way but all in all in everything we thank God as the book of Romans tell us, I want to take this precious opportunity to welcome each and every one of you to our services today,feel at Jesus feet and let the love of God bind us together wherever we are around the world. We have prepared exciting programs and may we enjoy together as we start this program.


Welcoming sunday online service

Greetings in Jesus name whether you are members,thank you for joining this live service as brodcasted though zoom,I welcome each one of you and want to thank God for allowing me to coordinate this service. Our pastor is in standby and am sure each one of you can see him,pastor if you hear me can you greet us,thank you. We have a very exciting service and want to thank God for everything, I want to say once more feel at Jesus feet and let us know that our heavenly Father loves us very much and that is why we are alive today. Without wasting much time for i have welcomed you to our service. Let me ask sister Joyce to pray for us so that I can invite another brethren to take us through the song service. Sister Joyce if you can hear me please take us through prayer.


Welcoming sunday online service

Greeting in Jesus name members, the Lord has been good and has kept us in perfect peace since we had the same service the other week,we want to thank Him for the gift of life and for enabling us to meet through zoom. Welcome to today's service and we know he has so much in store for us,welcome and let us feel the love of God together through this service being conducted online.

Welcoming sunday online service

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