church anniversary welcome speeches

Looking for  well written church anniversary welcome speeches  to use? We have prepared some here below that you can instantly download.

When it comes to doing a welcome speech during the church anniversary, you need to how to begin in a way that captures the attention of the listeners.

Everybody has waited for this moment and let us not disappoint them.

When Jane was tasked to do a church anniversary welcome speech, she scratched her head and didn't know what to do next.

That is when she turned to the search engines to find how to go about it and came to our site here and discovered on how to go about preparing for the speech of the occasion.

As a pastor the speech have prepared for you down here came from deep down my heart and have given it a special place in my heart and with much prayer I know the great occasion will be a memorable one.

We have made it possible for you to download a 3 page welcome speech to help during the anniversary occasion in church.

How is the speech formatted?

  • What to say at the introduction
  • Guiding scriptures
  • How to give closing remarks
$. 10.99


We want to thank the Lord for the gift of life,you have landed in this page because you are in need of a welcome speech to help you prepare for the occasion in church.

We also have tried very much to make sure you have what you wanted.

Don't leave the page but keep reading and you will find what you wanted, we are at your service and want to make sure you are ready for the occasion

church anniversary welcome speeches

Below here are the samples for the various church anniversary occasions in the church.

the sample of speech for church anniversaries and if you wish to know how to write and start a welcome speech for a church anniversary then you can click and follow the link for more details on writing a church anniversary from scratch.

Below are sample anniversary speeches to have a look at...

welcome speech for church anniversary

Here is a welcome speech for church anniversary that we have prepared for you so that you can download in preparation for the occasion that is a head of you 

As your partner in the journey we want to make the occasion a memorable one.

welcome speeches for church anniversary

church anniversary welcome speeches

It is a welcoming speech that you will give to usher in other speakers who will grace the occasion. If you have been given the opportunity take it as a privilege and make use of it to give God glory and honor.

Get the sample speech below here and customize it to fit your audience. What we have just provided is a welcome speech that can be used in any occasion.More of the church anniversary welcome speeches

Our dear pastor and the spiritual father,the first Lady and wife to our pastor,
The invited guests, the church members,
All members in attendance,
I feel privileged to welcome all of you to this day
It is a special day because it comes once in a year
As a church we feel great from the bottom of our hearts
Because of the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ
He has given us the opportunity to be called the sons and daughters of Him
And we are happy that today we are sited with him in the sit of throne of mercies
As we celebrate this day, we want to thank the Lord for what He has done and we are only counting
His blessings in our lives
Thank you very much for all of you who found the time to come and celebrate with us
We feel humbled for your kind act. Thank you and welcome as we enjoy together.

Here is your church anniversary welcome speeches delivered by one of your church members who can be a deacon,deaconess,church clerk or any other designated member of the church. you can also use it as a a welcome note for church anniversary to welcome your visitors and also

church anniversary welcome speeches samples

Our loved pastor,The church board,The invited guests, and the fellow members
Let me thank you all for the wonderful opportunity,that the Lord has given all that have come here today to celebrate this important occasion.

Have been allowed to give speak on behalf of my fellow Loved members and feel honored for that before I welcome pastor to say one word and welcome the rest of the guests who have a lot to say today because it is there for they have seen it good to come and celebrate with us this anniversary.

We look back and praise God for what we have achieved so far were it not for the grace of God then we would have done nothing completely praise God for that let me welcome you today to witness together with is what the Lord has done to us, we are so happy.

 Look at the church anniversary welcome speeches below here that can serve as a welcome address for church anniversary in your church

 You will get the best speeches in our pages that can help you at this point of need.

welcome remarks church anniversary

sample church anniversary welcome address

Here is a sample church anniversary welcome address to guide you as prepare to give a speech in the church.

This simple format is good even though we don't really have an ideal one. When it come to church matters we depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance more than our human reasoning.

But the bottomline is that a church address is like any other speech and we borrow heavily to be effective.

Here is the sample church anniversary welcome address

Greetings in Jesus name good people of God. 

Let me take this wonderful opportunity to thank our almighty God for giving us this wonderful day and also allowing us to congregate here today for this occasion in our church. 

It has been a long journey that we have traveled together  to teach, we can only thank our good God who is in heaven.

On behalf of the church I want to welcome you all as you join us to celebrate this anniversary, a time when we look back and thank God for His goodness and mercies.

It's through His grace that we have managed to achieve this hardship that all can see.

Each year we have it a habit to take the celebration an extra mile so that it can give us an opportunity to reflect on the progress. 

We have of our members both former and current who are in our midst including invited guests.

Today is the day and we want to thank God.

Feel welcome as we share the love of God together.

church anniversary welcome speeches

Our church pastor and the first lady,the church board,church members and all the invited guests I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,

Good morning(change here depending on the time)

Let me take this opportunity to welcome you all to our ____(insert the anniversary i.e 4th,100th,150th etc) anniversary in our church.

It is a time when we look back and thank the Lord for the far we have come as a church.

We are grateful to our Lord for the guidance and the protection given to us so far.

we have lined up several activities that are in line with the theme of this anniversary ______________( an example is "where it not for the Lord")

Feel welcome to our church and may the Holy spirit be upon us as we share this occasion together and stay blessed always.

I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for finding time to come and grace this occasion.

We thank God for everything.

More of the church anniversary welcome speeches sample speeches below here

welcome speech for a priest/clergy

Here is an example of a church anniversary welcome speech from a priest

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my fellow believers in Christ. What a joy in our hearts that the Lord has given us through Christ our savior and redeemer for anyone who believes in him will not perish but have everlasting kingdom. We have congregated here today to affirm the scripture that our savior lives and is in the right hand of God ministering to us.

Our God is good that given us His mercies for us to be here today, as we fellowship together, may the love of God be with each and every one of us who came today for the worship.

We thank God and be blessed all today.

church welcome speeches

This is a page dedicated to church welcome speeches from different people i.e pastor,church members,clergies,priest,choir member,committee member,church clerk and so on.

church anniversary welcome speeches

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I greet you in Jesus name!

Let me take this precious moment to thank our Almighty Father God who is in heaven for allowing us to come together for this special event.

I want to also thank the church committee for making it possible that we have this occasion today here.

As we begin the activities of the day, we want to thank God for the gift of life and also for allowing us to be here, as we start this event we pray that our Lord may abide and guide as through.

My work of standing here is to welcome each and every one of you to feel at Jesus feet.

free church welcome speeches

free church welcome speeches for you, your pastor ,church members,church clerk, emcee script for church anniversary and church programs etc...Find the speeches here

church anniversary welcome speeches related materials

As you are enjoying our church anniversary welcome speeches

Below are some of the links that you can follow to give you other related speeches for the church.

Our site is purposed to help you make sure you get simple and quality speeches for the church in any occasion.

All the fears you might have concerning where to find appropriate speeches for an occasion is catered for.

Never worry anymore because we are here for you.

We keep on updating the site with quality speeches that you will love. You can mark this site or subscribe to our newsletter and you will be receiving new updates and great speeches in the inbox.

We want to save you time so that you can do what you love most in life.

Our daily work is to come up with original and great speeches for any occasion in the church.

We are your partner in making sure the church is warm place to be and it attracts many worshipers who come to worship the Lord.

church anniversary welcome speeches

baptist church anniversary welcome speech

Praise God Church!

Let me take this wonderful opportunity that the Lord has accorded me to stand before you as I welcome you to our 10th anniversary.

On behalf of our Senior pastor and the church board,let me thank each and every one of you for finding time to come and commemorate an occasion that is very important in the church calendar,

Some of us present here today might not be aware of the humble beginnings that we have come from,I happen to be one of the pioneers who laid the first stone when we started.

We were very few and no one ever imagined that one day,the church will grow and be what it is today.

I can also testify that were it not for the hand of God,we would not be where we are today.

Therefore,as we share this wonderful love and the mercies of the Lord given since then,we want to encourage ourselves that the Lord has much in store for us and we are yet to see the great and marvelous things that God has kept for us.

Without wasting time,let me welcome you and at this hour I want to invite the MC of the day to take us through the program as we commence the activities of the day.

God bless you and have it to the best during this 10th anniversary of our church.

Welcome church MC and continue with the program.

church anniversary welcome address speech

Our God is good, all the time, that is why we are here today, to mark a special event in our church calendar.

I trust the Lord has kept you in perfect peace since we met last year a date like this.

We have  come together so that we can remember the goodness of the Lord and want to thank each and every one of you for finding time to here today.

Sunday school anniversary speech

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Welcome to our first Sunday school anniversary.

I feel honored and privileged to stand before you as I welcome you in a special way to feel at Jesus feet.

Me and the team we have lined up great and exciting programs that will enlighten and help us to understand the importance of attending Sunday school.

We also have visitors who have come to share with us good news from heaven as we increase the heavenly knowledge.

Thank you each and every one of you for finding time to come and celebrate with us this anniversary that is unique to us.

Greetings in Jesus name.

It is through the mercies of God that I stand here to welcome each and every one of you. 

I'm humbled by the grace of God to see this day.

Thank you brethren for finding time to come and join us as we celebrate this anniversary, we know that the love of God is binding us together.

As we seek to know him more .

In our midst we have visitors who have traveled from far and wide to come and grace the occasion , we thank God for your presence.

The theme for this year anniversary celebration  is enriching and reminds us the purpose of God for our lives. All of us where created to serve and give God glory.

We have exciting programs and activities that will keep the day going.

Feel welcome to our 20th church anniversary.

For more information church anniversary welcome speeches
welcome speech for anniversary celebration

we are to serve you and thank God for visiting our site, together we shall accomplish the journey of happiness. We have faith that God is leading us all through.

We hope you will make this site your one stop for the church events because we have prepared products that you can download anytime when you want to get ready for an occasion in church.

As you look forward to the church anniversary that is ahead of you, we all remember how the last one was good and how church members enjoyed and had fun during the occasion.

Another church anniversary is coming and want to build this one to make it better this year.

We are here to walk with you so that this year church anniversary will be  better and memorable one.

In this page, we have prepared for you the welcome speech that can help you , so that can have a speech that is ready and you if you want a church anniversary theme with great scriptures, you can get them here also.

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