choir day welcome speech

Looking for choir day welcome speech?

Below is a downloadable speech that we have made ready to help in the upcoming occasion in the church.

The speech below can be downloaded instantly, we have put all the church occasion materials in one page where you can navigate and be able to get any speech for the occasion including the choir day welcome speech.

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We want to thank our dear loving Father who created us for allowing you to visit our page.

You are here because you are looking for an example of a speech that can help you prepare for the choir day is nearing in the church calendar.

It is a great honor to be at your service.

Look at the choir day welcome speech below and see if it is what you are looking for. We try as much as possible to depend on the Holy Spirit to guide us because this is not our work but God who created us.

Feel welcome

choir day welcome speech

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father, for allowing us to be here today, It is a great honor and privilege to welcome you to our choir day in our church this year, we have always looked forward to this day because we all know what it entails, you can imagine the singing we are expecting today, that is why I can smiles everywhere in this place,

I know the Lord has given us a new song in our hearts, as we sing melodies to Him, singing a form of worship just like preaching.

We want to thank our Lord for the gift of life and for enabling us to find time to come and fellowship together through singing.

Today is a joyous day in our church, simply because we are going to do songs from now until we finish, it is an occasion that happens once in a while and wherever we get it, we just praise our Lord.

My final remarks is to just say God is good to us.

Without wasting time, feel at Jesus feet and let the love of God be with you from now until we finish,

Thank you and stay blessed.

choir day welcome speech

We know how precious time is to you and maybe the above speech is too general and since you need one that can fit exactly the occasion together with the words and even the names for the people who are coming during the choir day,

We would love if we assist you to write it exactly how you want it to be.

If you have an interest that we assist you,then you can contact us so that we can write it. we would love if you send us the details then immediately we shall write one for you.

we are here for you and want to make sure you have the confidence that is needed when giving a welcome speech in the occasion.

You can furnish us with all the details you want by filling in the following form then we can write and send you the speech according to your specification.Let us have your details now,click this link and fill in the details,church speech or poem writer and let us do the rest

Otherwise we want to wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion in the church.

we are praying for you and may our heavenly Father fill you with the Holy Spirit so that you can give a perfect speech during the day.

Stay blessed always.

choir welcome address

welcome speech on choral day and cultural day

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,

Welcome to choral and cultural day,a time as a church we celebrate diverse ways of singing in the context of our cultural,we thank God for this wonderful opportunity to share love together.

Thank you to each and every one of us who is going to participate in this occasion.

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