church building dedication welcome speech

Looking for church building dedication welcome speech?

You can download one below here and if you want a building dedication ceremony script to help, get it also

We presume that this is your first time that you have been asked to prepare and give a welcome speech for the dedication of the building of your church.

Welcome to our page and below you will get samples and information that can help you as you get ready for the occasion in your church.

You can download the welcome speech below here after paying a small fee of $9.75 and you will instantly receive a page where you can download it.

Click on the PayPal button below here.


church building dedication bible verses

Some of the church building dedication bible verses to help you are:

1 King 8:22 ... Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in front of the whole assembly of Israel, spread out his hands toward heaven

church building dedication welcome speech

church building dedication sermon

building dedication ceremony script

church building dedication prayer

Here is the church building dedication prayer sample to help you...

Our dear loving Father in heaven, We want to thank you for enabling us to congregate here today as we dedicate this building to you, we understand that all things belong to you and have given them to us to use them for thy worship.

Lord of mercy we are grateful from our heart for the many blessings you have bestowed to each and every one of us who is taking part in the occasion.

Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit that is ministering to us today and who continues to show us thy will.

As we now rejoice and praise in you for all that you have done to us. May your name be glorified and lifted forever in Jesus name we pray and believe. Amen

church building dedication speech

Let us start by congratulating your church for the milestone.

We welcome you to our page as we partner with you. We believe you are among the many visitors and church members who visit our page for help.

We always receive first time church members who have never spoken before or in short given a speech in an occasion and want guidance how to go about it.

If you are one of the them, welcome and feel loved because we care for you and would love to help you.

And if you always speak and have a clue on what is expected and you are just here to look for additional materials to help you.

We too welcome you but even though our target group here is the first timers who want a speech and how to present it during an occasion.

Below is a church building dedication welcome speech sample to help you

church building dedication welcome speech

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,good morning

Allow me to thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful love given to us as a church to congregate here today as we witness this great occasion in our church.

It has been a greet journey but our Father and the King has made it possible to see this event.

I know many us and others have been praying for this occasion and the building at large, we want to thank our Father for the much that has been done.

As we dedicate it to the Lord today so that it can continue doing the work God intended it to do. Let His love be with us and we enjoy the blessings of the Lord always.

As the word of God says in Philipians 1:6..being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus

We are very much confident that the Lord what He has started in us will bring it to completion because we have learn to trust in Him.

We feel privileged and honor to partner with our loving Father as He uses us to do his work on earth of saving souls.

Thank each and every one of you for finding time to come and witness this great occasion that is happening today in our church and we know that the Holy spirit is at work and we thank our Lord.

Feel welcome and God loves you.

welcome speech new church building celebration

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus

Let me take this precious moments to thank our heavenly Father for the gift of life and allowing us to congregate here for this special occasion in our church.

We want to thank all the invited guests for hearkening to our call and coming to grace the occasion, we are very glad for the contribution you made today,

Let me also thank all the church members who took part in making sure that all was well,starting from planning the movement from the old small sanctuary to the new building that the Lord has given us.

It was not easy process but we thank God for the Holy spirit that guided us and enabled us to smoothly make it a success.

Finally, I want to thank the local authorities for licenses and the support they gave from the time we started to build the new sanctuary up today.

Let us keep on praying for our church and ourselves so that the will of God can be done.

Thank you God bless you.

We hope the above speech has assisted you, sure now you are inspired to stand and present.

Don't worry anymore,

We are praying for you and as your partners, we want to make sure you succeed in what you have been tasked to do.

Just know that the upcoming event, you are going to present well and God is with you all through.

We are praying for you and my the love of God and power from heaven be your guide till the end.

If you want us to help you write a speech that targets your church and has got the specifications that you are looking for.

Don't hesitate to contact us.

We have given a contact form below here that you can give your details and we shall be at your service to write one and send it to you.

church building dedication welcome speech

Otherwise we want to wish you all the best as you look forward to the occasion.

We want to pray our heavenly Father to guide and help you have a successful day as you dedicate the church building.

God bless you

church building dedication welcome speech

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