Christmas speeches for church

Here is the Christmas speeches for church that you can choose and have it to share with others during the occasion in church

Let me greet you in Jesus name.

Through the mercies of God, I want to take this opportunity to thank our loving God who is the giver and provider for our lives. 

I want to also that each and every one of you for setting aside your previous despite the fun and partying activities going on around this city.

We all can witness how this significant occasion in the Christian  calendar has been hijacked by the world and made something else.

I'm not saying merrying  is bad but I wasn't I want to say is merrying without being born looses its importance in one's life.

Therefore let me thank each and every one of you for making a decision to come and fellowship with us.

Today our services are unique,  we even have more visitors with us more than other days of the service. 

As we begin the activities of the day. I want to ask the Lord to guide and help us know the importance of having Christmas  day.

The guest speaker who accepted to come and speak to us is already with us and has a thrilling message that we all want not to miss. I know majority didn't know that he traveled miles a ways from Africa to come and speak to us for this two Christmas days.

I want to ask each one of you to pray for the servant of God

By the end of the we shall appreciate the goodness of the Lord.

Thank you and God bless you 

Christmas speeches for church

Greetings in Jesus name, the family of God...

I'm humbled through the mercies of God to welcome you to our sevice during the eve program as we usher in the Christmas day, a day when our Lord Jesus was born as a human being to save man kind.

We thank God for this opportunity to worship Him through this togetherness. 

I'm privileged on behalf of the church to officially welcome you as we begin this service.

We are not here in vain but the goodness of God has made it possible for us to congregate here as families.

We are here represented well and as a church we have it possible that we are going to have exciting programs right from the young ones, the youths and the adults.

The speakers are already in place with touching messages tailored for the Christmas. 

I ask the Holy Spirit to take charge and guide us according to the will of God. It is my prayer that at the end of this Christmas eve service we will all go home refreshed and ready for the Christmas day occasion tomorrow.

On behalf of the church, let me welcome you all and as families feel at Jesus. Let Jesus be born in your heart during this eve day.

Once again thank you all and may our God who is in heaven be with us all through until we finish in Jesus name. 

Thank you and be blessed 

Christmas speeches for church

Christmas speeches for church

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