church anniversary themes with scriptures

Looking for church anniversary themes with scriptures? welcome to our page where you get ready to use themes for your upcoming anniversary celebrations.

We have prepared you 15 great church anniversary themes which includes scriptural verses .

looking for a better anniversary theme for your church here It is in 3 page and can choose any theme from there.

You can instantly download the themes and use them during the church event in your church.

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It is accessed instantly and shall save time to do other things.

The theme can be picked and inserted in a church program being prepared.

We hope you have managed to download the themes that we have given above here.

Thank you for visiting our page.

Let us thank God for everything, we are here to help each other.

Below you will find the verses that we have picked from the scripture to help you as you are planning to have during the church anniversary in the church that is a head of you.

We have prayerfully sought the best verse that will align with the theme of the church.

If you don't find a theme that interest you or you wanted a theme that fits the occasion,we are standby and can email to help you out. We are here to make sure our occasions in church are memorable ones and make many church members appreciate the grave of God.

Let us presume this is your first time you have been asked to find a "good theme" for the upcoming church anniversary in your church.

So far you don't know where to begin and need help.

As the church anniversary approaches, you need to be equipped and be prepared for the day.

We are here to walk with you in this journey and make sure this year church anniversary is memorable one.

Am sure you can remember how last one was good and great. See the picture how people were thrilled with the theme you had.

The theme brings the mood of the occasion and set the ball rolling. This occasion happens once, therefore make it as memorable as you can.

church anniversary themes with scriptures

I presume this is your first time that you have been asked to find a theme for the church anniversary ahead of you.

So far you don't know where to begin but thank God now you are in this page.

Let us see some samples that can help you, the previews we have below is what you expect to get when you download the materials from our site, we keep updating the themes from time and again. Therefore be sure that you will get updated materials that will make the occasion a memorable one. We are sure this year anniversary are well prepared for it.

we're still here standing united.

This theme is a good one when you are celebrating like 20,30,50 years together in fellowship, it reminds you that your focus should always be on the Lord and as Paul said in the book of Philippians chapter 3 verse 14 and I quote..I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Being united in the Lord means, surrendering our will to Him and allowing God to work through the church so that His purpose can be fulfilled.

Paul dwelled so much on the power of unity as a church when he wrote epistles of Philippians to the group of believers who lived in Macedonia, this is is a church that was started after Paul received a vision to go to Macedonia and preach Christ there.

It is at Macedonia where he received overwhelmed support while in Rome where the believers united together to send donations to their brothers in Christ who were at Rome and who were in need.

We can learn something from this group of believers for those of us who live in this century.

As a church you need to be united and press toward the mark and that is having the mind like that was in Jesus Christ.

Unity is what keeps a church or organization going, as you celebrate the church anniversary ahead of you, maybe 10 years of existence or 20 years, you know exactly the number of years you have existed as a ministry or a church.

The above theme we have given will give you a reminder of your core existence. As you look forward to the church anniversary being held this year, we know that our Lord has been good to us and will always be good.

Let this day and with its celebrations remind us that the good Lord who started this work in us will bring it to completion.

As you come together for the anniversary, let the love of God guide and be with each and every one of you. Just knowing that the Lord is leading and guiding your mission, it gives satisfaction because the work belongs to God and knows how it goes.

It is only through the unity fostered in the church that the mission of Jesus Christ can be accomplished, review the steps you have taken in reaching out to the unreachable in the world today.

The theme reminds us to always to trust in the Lord.

church anniversary themes with scriptures that we have prepared for you to use during the upcoming occasion in church that you look forward having in church.


Key verse: See, the enemy is puffed up; his desires are not upright— but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness(Habakkuk 2:4).

The author of the book of Habakkuk is coming at a time when the children of Israel are about to be taken to exile because of the disobedience, the word of prophecy is coming at a difficult moment and even the prophet himself is mesmerised that God is using the enemy to punish the kingdom of Judah.

He has a lot of questions for the Lord.

This is the period that he is saying that the just shall live by faith.

We have something to learn from this experience of the Kingdom of Judah  that our God is a wonderful word. This is the day that the Lord has given us when we remember the goodness of the Lord is upon.

We  need to trust in Him in all ways.

The anniversary is around the corner and you have been tasked to come up with a theme that can resonate well with the occasion.

You don't have to scratch your head. The Lord of mercy is always in control to guide and protect all those who believe in Him and give their lives to Him

We are making the work easier for you.

The theme "The Just shall live by Faith" will work well because it will remind each and every individual who is attending the occasion on the need of putting trust on the Lord,since we are living at the dispensation when the Holy Ghost is at work.

The above theme captures the mood of the celebrations, how good it is for each and every person who is going to attend the event be reminded what pleases the Lord.

We have to take God by His word.

It is only through faith that we are able to please God, those who come before His presence must know that He is God and He rewards those who diligently seek for Him.

As church we are the body of Christ and must always live depending on Christ and Christ alone because He is the head of the church.

As you celebrate this year church anniversary, let all know that God is that rewarder of all those who seek for Him through faith. It is through Him that we are able to see the manifestation of His love in our midst.

Let the above theme guide the day. From our desk, we want to wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion and may our good Lord be with you all through as you prepare for the anniversary of your church or ministry.

Choosing the best theme for an occasion is what matters. That is why we have taken our time to choose for you the best themes that you can use for the occasion ahead of you in the church calendar.

church anniversary themes and scriptures

We know and understand that you don't have time and time is a rare commodity.

You need it t be able to do other things that matters to you.

Why spend it just to think on what theme you will use during the upcoming church anniversary in your and yet you can download a page with 15 themes to choose from.

We took our time to search and through inspiration come up with those themes, download the page now and you will never regret anymore.

church anniversary themes with scriptures

list of church anniversary themes

The church anniversary celebration need a very good theme to choose from and as you partner in this journey we are here to make your day a success, if you have an opportunity go through the themes that we have prepared for you.

Below are the anniversary themes with supported verses......


Haggai 2:18

 ‘From this day on, from this twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, give careful thought to the day when the foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid. Give careful thought:

The context of the above text is that the children of Israel are back from the exile for some years whereby they are trying to rebuilt the temple which was destroyed

They have already lost their identity and now feels foreigners in there own land, being a way for 70 years is not something light and already some people have occupied the precious land owned by the Israelites.

It takes faith for one to pick up life and move forward.

As you celebrate the anniversary you have something to learn from the experience of the Israelites when you don't obey the lord. Let us learn to obey the lord always in all circumstances, it has taken the hand of God to be where you are today and the lord will take you greater heights if you learn to trust in his ways.

Let this anniversary be a game changer for your ministry or church, it is the lord who began good work in you and he is the one who will finish it.

It is good to trust in his plan all the time. The lord is good and it is his nature to be good.

As you come together to celebrate the far the Lord has brought you, you can count on the grace of God. The Lord is taking you far and many years you have ahead of service to humanity.


Ephesians 4:16..... From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Paul writing to the church in Ephesus, reminds the believers that existed in that city of the importance of unity as a church, he used the analogy of the human body to explain the relationship of the church and Christ.

This church was started by servant of God Paul under difficult conditions, Jr preached this place for three good years and many people both the Jews and gentiles accepted Jesus Christ.

Many left their former ways and became followers of Christ.

It was not easy moment because the former ways was very much appealing and life seemed easy going , therefore when they heard about Christ and accepted the teachings of Paul concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they were ready to serve Him.

Majority of them were not accepted by family and close friends.

As a church , you have been called to lead many into the light and let the light of Jesus shine through you. During this year church anniversary let members remember that they have been called to proclaim the everlasting gospel into the whole world.

This theme will remind church members to always be ready to serve the lord with the gifts bestowed upon them by our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Paul admonished the believers in the church of Ephesus to edify the church using the gifts that God has given them because our Lord Jesus Christ is the head of the church and all of us is His body.

Let us endeavour to work in unity do that can bring glory to God.


Matthew 22:14-17........ Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are. 17 Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?”

Mathew speaking to the Jews reminded the believers that Jesus was the great Teacher who taught the word of God with the whole truth.

As a Pastor, Jesus need to be an example to you, you need rely on the word of God fully.

As you celebrate the church anniversary, let every member reflect his or her life on the relationship  they have with their mark God.

God purposed the church to be His temple where His truth is administered,therefore since Christ broke the barriers, we have a reason to smile because of what God has done to the  church.

The church has the body of Christ draws power from the head who is Jesus Christ, he is the one who feeds and nourishes the church so that it can function as God purposed it to work.

During this church anniversary, it remains a reminder that the church cannot function without Jesus Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith.



As you look forward to the church anniversary, one of the themes you have to consider is reminding the church as you celebrate the anniversary that Jesus who is the founder is coming soon to take us home.

Let everyone have that in mind so that can be involved in the business of saving souls.

When all know that the coming of Christ is very near, many will not sleep but will be ready for His coming .

Choose this theme so that it can be a reminder to all. As you come together to celebrate this year anniversary, it is high time to take a stock of what impact you have had in the communities and humanity at large and making it known to many concerning our saviour Jesus Christ and His coming

Let you make it clear that the church had got a commission to do before that glorious day.

A day we look forward to where the Lord Jesus will come again. It is good to make many to know about this good news so that they can make a choice of accepting Jesus Christ.

church anniversary themes with scripture

church anniversary themes with scriptures


Key verse: John 15:27...And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.

This is a wonderful theme to have during the upcoming church anniversary,whichever the edition, you have a reason to thank God for the far He has brought the church.

Jesus is founder and finisher of our faith.As a church you need to depend on Him as He guide and help the church to grow.

It i through him that things are very possible. As a church and his body, we depend on him.

As you celebrate this year church anniversary, let the church members know that with  Christ all things are possible. Let all maintain unity and dependence upon him, let all know that Christ is the head of the church.

As you mark this year church anniversary, let the love of God be with you and may our good Lord increase your boundaries.

When you look back to where the Lord has led you from, you have a reason to smile because were it not for the Lord who was by your side, we don't know what would have happened.

Marking the church anniversary is defining moment when you ask the Lord to guide you and take you to greater heights.

When you  in the mission of God which He began since creation, you can be assured that the existence of your church or ministry will more celebrations ahead of you.

church anniversary themes with scriptures

church anniversary themes and scriptures

Let us see if these church anniversary themes and scriptures can be of help as you prepare for the church anniversary in the church.


Key Verse Acts 1:8

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, He stayed around for 40 days of which he appeared to the disciples and the believers.

Before He ascended to the Father in heaven,  according to the Bible, He promised the disciples  that they will receive the power of the Holy Spirit so that they can be witnesses in Jerusalem and other places.

The promise is still being fulfilled in the world today, whereby now the disciples who obey and keep is word are still being witnesses.

As you mark t he church anniversary, let it be known to the church members  that they are the disciples who are witnessing to the whole world concerning the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As you look forward to the church anniversary that is ahead of you, you cannot miss to praise God for the far He has led the church and through His mercies, you have reached where you are today.

The church is the body of Christ  and can only exist if it remains connected to Christ who is the source of power that the church needs to do the work.

As you come together to mark this important event in the church calendar, as you count the blessings of the lord, it is another moment to ask the lord to guide and take you to the greater heights of service.

The lord is good always and from the begining he has wanted to be with His people, he want the believers to walk in the presence of God because He ha always blessed us beyond what we can see or imagine.

As you start another, allow God to work with you always because He know from the beginning to the end 

The verses below will fit well during the church anniversary you are about to celebrate in the church anniversary. You will find the scriptures and verses below to fit well during the occasion

church anniversary themes with scriptures

Church anniversary celebration

church anniversary themes with scriptures

More of the church anniversary themes with scriptures


Colossians 3:23-24...... Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

This theme reminds us that we have a duty to do as a church in the community, the church referred to us metaphorically as the body of Christ draws its energy from Christ to serve the community.

When the heart of each member is fixed in Christ , Christ himself will control every situation and take charge, let all surrender fully to him because he is the author and finisher of our faith.

As you come together during this anniversary, look back and thank God for what He has done to you as a church. All powers for the work is drawn from the lord.

As you mark the church anniversary, look back and thank God for the far He has led you and the impact you have had since inception.

The years have had ups and down but it is not by your own power that the work of the lord is moving forward, let you all be encouraged that a lot is taking place through you as a church.

When we know the commission that the church has been given by the founder who is Jesus Christ, then we are able to depend on Him for direction and He is the one to lead the church according to the plan.

Depending om the time you have existed in your mission, you have a reason to look at how far the Lord has led you.


Psalm 92:1-15... It is good to praise the Lord
    and make music to your name, O Most High,
2 proclaiming your love in the morning
    and your faithfulness at night,
3 to the music of the ten-stringed lyre
    and the melody of the harp.

The church is the body of Christ as portrayed by Paul in his letters to various church can be alluded to mean that the church depends on Christ and Christ alone to move forward.

Therefore as you come together during this church anniversary let all remember what Christ has done to the church, let us train our mind to fully depend on the lord in our existence because He is the head of the church and it is through him that we are able to get the livelihood and eternal life that we have through him.

The above theme is good if you choose if for your occasion, we have put in one page where you can download it and use it in the occasion that you have ahead of you in church event.

You can also check for church anniversary themes with scriptures that we have prepared in our site thaf you can download and be helped as you prepare for the anniversary that is ahead of you.


Key Verse: James 2:17..In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

It sounds familiar, isn't?

As a church that exists to preach the message of the cross, you need to know that as Christ leads, all shall be followers that is why all our lives should be centered around the cross that all the eyes of the members fixed on Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith.

Our lives and the way we live should give God glory and whatever we do in the body should glorify God.

As you mark this year anniversary, let it be remembered that the stone that was rejected is not the one that the foundations of the church has been built on.

Just wait until you weave it around the activities of the day during the church anniversary occasion, that is when you will discover that ,each one of us has role to play in order to make the mission of Jesus a success.

It is our humble prayer that we make Christ the only and only one we focus on as the church the He bought with His own blood.

That is why I chose the above theme for your church to use as you prepare for the occasion

church anniversary themes with scriptures

bible scriptures for church anniversary

The following verses can be used during the church anniversary.

Psalms 133:1..Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity

The above verse fits well when it comes to encouraging brethren to leave in harmony with one another, as you celebrate the church anniversary let the church know that we are bound together by the love of God that was revealed to us by His son Jesus Christ.

Let people or church members dwell in harmony always sharing the love that God Himself gives

church anniversary bible reference

The above themes have bible reference included,

Be sure that the themes are relevant and will be of great help. If you find that the theme that you wanted is not included,don't hesitate to contact us and shall help in coming with one for free that fits the occasion that you are preparing in Jesus.

We are here for you and want to make sure that all is well as you get ready for the anniversary in church very soon.

church anniversary themes with scriptures

church anniversary themes with scriptures

The church anniversary is great event that needs proper planning right from when you celebrate the last one, that is why as your partner in this journey, we are here to make sure you are prepared well with materials for the day.

Here in this page, we have great themes to choose from and each year you can come back to get a theme for that year which we have prepared for you.

scripture for church anniversary 

Once you come up with a theme then we can be able to get you a scripture that is relevant to the scripture.

First of all as a church, you need to decide which theme will serve you well during the upcoming anniversary in church.

We have found out that many church don't have themes in mind and that is the reason as to why we prepared wonderful themes that can give you easy time to do a selection.

If you don't have a theme yet,then get our guide above which you can download and start sharing with other committee members or church members so that you can choose one from among the 15 themes that we have given.

I want to tell you that you will be happy to find great and wonderful that you can use during the upcoming anniversary in your church.

Maybe you are going to have 10th or 100th and so on.

Feel free to get the guide now and save more time of thinking. It is cost effective and you will get for only $5.99.

All the scriptures that accompany the themes are there.

Just know that you will be happy to have the guide and remember that if you don't find the theme you are looking for,please contact us and we shall help you come up with one free of charge.

church anniversary themes with scriptures

church anniversary themes with scriptures

As mark many years of service to humanity in spreading the gospel according to the commission of Jesus the Lord, may the grace of God be whit you always.

church anniversary themes with scriptures

The Bible based themes in our pages will save you time and you only need to download them at a small cost to help you prepared for the occasion that is ahead of you in church.

bible verses for church anniversary

The guide that we have given above that has got 15 themes to choose from has got bibles verses to guide.

Actually we have derived all the themes that we have given above from the bible verses.

Once you download the 3 page guide, you will be happy to find bible verses together with great and wonderful themes that we have prepared for you.

Don't hesitate get the guide right  now and save time to do other things.

themes for church anniversary

We hope the above church themes and verses have served you well.

We want to wish you all the best as you mark the upcoming anniversary in the church and may the love of God and His grace be with you.

We pray that you have a successful day and all the programs to run well through the name of our Lord Jesus.

Thank you for visiting our page and may our good Lord keep you in perfect wherever you are in the world.

church anniversary celebration themes

Here are the themes that you can use during the church anniversary celebration in church. we have taken our time to choose the best and greatest themes that you can love.

Once you download the above themes , you will get this theme among them. Thank you and God bless you 

church anniversary themes with scriptures

As you prepare for the anniversary, the theme you choose will determine the outcome you will have when it comes to the memories you want to create in your church members

All our themes are aligned to the scriptures that we share above. We thank God for the love He has for us to make our occasions memorable one, as a partner in this journey we assure you that we shall avail good materials for you.

As you prepare for the church anniversary ahead and you will get all that you need to be ready for the occasion.

church anniversary theme moving forward

theme for church anniversary program

church and pastor anniversary themes with scriptures

5th year church anniversary theme with scriptures

5 year church anniversary theme with scriptures

10 year church anniversary theme with scriptures

20th church anniversary theme with scriptures

25th church anniversary theme with scriptures

30th church anniversary theme with scriptures

40th church anniversary themes  with scriptures

50th church anniversary themes with scriptures

60th church anniversary theme with scriptures

75th church anniversary themes with  scriptures

100 year church anniversary themes with scriptures

150th church anniversary theme with scriptures

theme for church anniversary and thanksgiving

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