church Easter speech

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I know you are asking yourself where is the church Easter speech that I'm looking for?

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church Easter speech sample

You can love this church Easter speech that is biblical and scriptural.....

Our Church pastor and the first lady,church fellow church members
And the guests who have come to celebrate with us today as we mark this Easter holidays in our church,we thank our loving father for allowing us to participate,in this great event in our church calendar and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Allow me to pick up a chapter in the scripture that sums up all that Christ did for us,which makes us to remember that great work that Christ did for us. We have been set free by the grace of God.

As we gather here today  so we can celebrate the mercies of God together, we want to thank God for His grace, were it not that Jesus  gave his life as a ransom for may so that all of us can be saved, then we would have perished forever with an eternal death.

Today this event is very important to us as a church because, it is though the resurrection of Jesus Christ that we have hope that is beyond this life, we can live knowing that if Jesus died and after three days rose from the death, the Bible records and says, we rose with him from death, hence we have an everlasting life.

Anyone who accept Jesus as the personal savior then you have eternal life, as we celebrate his resurrection, let us ask ourselves if we have accepted him as your personal savior.

We are here to remind ourselves that we need to commit our lives to him and as he increases in us , we decrease.

Allow me to welcome all of you to this celebration and we know when we leave here, our lives will make a meaning because Jesus lives.

I welcome you all to our church and may the blessings of the Lord be upon you all.

church Easter speech

sample Easter welcome speech

Happy Easter brethren in Christ!

What a joy to stand before you and do a welcome, it is a great and precious moment for me a sinner who has been accepted by the blood of Jesus before the eyes of the Lord.

Let me first thank our heavenly Father for this provision and for allowing us to be here today.

Let me also welcome each and every one of us to this great event in the church calendar that reminds us what Jesus did on the cross.

Today is Easter and it is very significant to our Christian life, it means that through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God has made peace between us and Him.

That is why we have believed in him as  Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 and I quote For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

What a revolutionary way we approach this day because to those who believe like you and me, these things are real.

As we celebrate today, let us all remind us other if we have accepted Jesus to be our personal savior.

Feel welcome and God bless you

church Easter speech

Easter Sunday welcome speech

Greetings in Jesus name!

It is a great honor and privilege to stand before you through the mercies of our Lord Jesus whom we are celebrating his event today.

We want to take this opportunity to thank God for the love for us and giving moments like this to fellowship together as we share together

The event today has always been celebrated and each time we celebrate it it looks new to me, I don't know what about you?

Today is Easter Sunday and as we read in the scripture we learn that Jesus resurrected today after being in the tomb for three days, our salvation is pegged on his resurrection without the Easter Sunday then our believing will be in vain.

I once again welcome each and every one of you as we learn from him and die into our sins so that the Lord Jesus will resurrect in our lives, so that the lives we shall live shall not be ours but Christ lived through us.

I want to welcome young and old and every one of us to experience the love of God through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Feel welcome to our Easter Sunday programs and God bless you

church Easter speech

Easter speech church

We hope you have downloaded the above speech that we have given you

Greetings in Jesus name

Let me take this precious moment to thank our almighty God for allowing us to congregate here today to mark this special occasion in our church calendar.

Thank you for each and every one of you for finding time to be here today.

As we start the programs of today, I want to ask our Lord in heaven to take charge and guide us to the end.

We know this season is going to be a wonderful moment and we know shall be better than last year because we are building on last year experience.

child Easter speech

youth Easter speech

Here is the youth Easter speech sample to help you.

Brethren in Christ, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

I feel humbled to stand before you on behalf of the youths in the church, let me firs thank the Lord for according me this chance to speak to you and also thank every one of you for coming to celebrate with us during this Easter holidays, an event that is very important in the church calender.

when I was asked to come and speak, my mind went back and started thinking , how is this event important to a youth in church.

The Holy spirit spoke to me and told that the death and resurrection of Jesus is very important to us as youths because it is through his death that we find meaning to our lives and on how we can walk as a youth.

Therefore let no man despise our youth-hood but let us know how to walk according to the word so that we can redeem the time that our God has given us.

Thank you for listening to me and God bless you.

church Easter speech

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,

What a joy to see this moment of of our life, a time when we meet life and death,

How do we meet life and death, it is when we remember what Jesus did on the cross that changed the human history forever and anyone who accept the ransom is saved.

This is a gift to all of us and we are happy to be part of this life changing event that we are celebrating today.

We want to thank our loving God for enabling us to be here and witness it.

Easter time is not only a time we recall the death and resurrection of Jesus but also when we look at the significant of the event to each and every one of us.

On behalf of the church let me welcome you all and let us search our hearts and see if we have accepted Jesus to be the Lord of our lives.

God bless you.

church Easter speech

 child Easter speech

church welcome speech Easter Sunday

Brethren in Christ, I greet you, peace be upon you.

It is with great humility that have taken this moment that the Lord has granted to me to welcome you to this year's Easter Sunday as we worship together.

I feel honored to see this day that we commemorate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus who is a live and ministering to us from the heavenly courts.

Let me first,thank the Lord for enabling us to congregate here as a church and also thank you for finding time to come here so that we come remember the resurrection of the Lord Jesus together.

It is a wonderful day and we have many activities that we have lined up during this day as we share together this love that the Lord has granted to us.

Feel welcome and be at Jesus feet as we learn of him. Let the Holy Spirit teach and remind us what the Lord Jesus said.

After today,we shall have renewed our relationship with the Lord and start a new as we look forward to that glorious day when the Lord shall appear in full splendor and every eye shall see him.

Thank you and God bless you

church easter speech

Easter speech for kindergarten

church Easter speech,

Hallo hallo children, the bible says, let all small children come to Jesus because the Kingdom of God belongs to such, we are very happy that baby Jesus is born in our midst today, have a blessed Easter.

Easter speeches for toddlers

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Easter speeches for adults

Easter speeches for 9 year old

Easter speeches for 12 year old

Easter speeches for 2 year old

Easter speeches for pre-k

 church Easter speech

church easter speech

That you can share with other fellow Christian in your church as you share with each in remembrance to the death and resurrection of Christ who is our savior.

This Easter season is very important in the church calender because it reminds us what Christ did and the purpose that He came to fulfill on earth as a human being.

how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.Acts 10:38

I'm sure in your church you are well to celebrate this season of Easter with great love that Christ left us to fulfill.

The commandment in 1 John 4:21

Greetings in Jesus name.

Our church management, the pastor of our church and the first lady, fellow church members who have come today to worship and celebrate  this Easter period.

We are very much happy for this day.

It is a day all of us have always looked forward to, we want to thank God for bringing us together again during this festivities.

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