Easter welcomes for church

These  Easter welcomes for church that we have prepared for you down here are ready to be downloaded so that they can help you during the Easter event that is ahead of you in church.

This season is very important in the church and the Christian community.

Below here are the church Easter speech to download from our page and you will be able to use them during the upcoming event in church.

Click on the PayPal button below and you will pay a small onetime access fee of $9.75 and will have more materials for the Easter event that is ahead of you.


church Easter speech

Greetings in Jesus 

On behalf of the church management and our church pastor, let me take this precious moment to welcome each and every one of you to today celebrations. It has taken the hand of God for us to be here today.

It is one year since we had the same event , those of us who were here last year can testify that it was nice moment for all of us and we want to thank God for the far He has brought us.

As we gather here again for the same event, we pray that this year event will be a wonderful one and even more thrilling than last year one.

We hope you have managed to download the welcomes that we have prepared in our special pages

welcome speech on Easter

Here is a sample welcome speech on Easter to help you prepare for the Easter Occasion in your church

Our church pastor and the first lady of our church, my church fellowship members and the invited guests who have come to celebrate with us this Easter. Let me take this opportunity to welcome each of you to our church and feel at Jesus’ fee. It is my pleasure to thank you for coming and my abundant grace of our Lord Jesus be upon you. It is my prayer that may you be blessed as you enjoy great and wonderful programs that we have prepared this day. Once again on behalf of the church feel welcome and let us share together the love of God that was shown on the cross when our savior Jesus Christ died and resurrected to save us. We are here t o remember that during this Easter. Be blessed.

Easter speeches for church

This is just a sample for Easter speech for church

on behalf our Pastor and the first Lady in the church, the church board and the church members. I’m taking this chance through the name of Jesus Christ to introduce this program of the day that we have always looked forward to. We are so much blessed to see this Easter once again this year. The good Lord has lead through the year and as we have congregated to mark this Easter which is very important in the church calendar. Let us thank the Lord for the wonderful mercies and His hand has led us this far as a church. This season mark a good remembrance of what manner of Love that the Lord has shown to us as a church that we are called to proclaim that message of spreading the gospel to the four corners of the world telling everyone that Christ died and resurrected this time. Let people hearken to this call and they will be saved. Our good Lord is always with us and will never leave us nor forsake us because that is a promise to us all. Feel welcome to our church and I know that the good Lord will always manifest His love to us as we celebrate this season of Easter. Thank you all for finding time to come and mark the Easter with us in our church. Once again thank you for coming and be blessed always for your kindness.

Other related Easter Articles

Easter speeches for children at church

Easter speeches for kids

Easter speeches for youth at church

I hope the above speech samples have served you well.

You would love we help you write one with your theme included then you can contact us and shall be able to write one for you.

You can use the contact form provided below.

Otherwise let me take this earliest opportunity to wish you happy Easter to your church as we celebrate this church tradition in our Christian church around the world.

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