church program welcome speeches

Looking for church program welcome speeches?

Thank for visiting our page.We have sample speech and guidance on how to write a speech for the program in the church during the occasion.

You can download the welcome speech that we have prepared for you down here, we only charge you a small fee of $9.75 and you will instantly receive the speech in PDF file that you can use during the program that is ahead of you in an occasion.

Click on the PayPal button below and you will receive the page that you can scroll and download the speech


You might be new or already know how a speech should look like and maybe don't have time to start sitting down to write one.

We here cater for all groups of people and categories.

But our most concern is the newbie who don't know how to write a speech for any occasion and want samples too.

Below here are the quick samples to have a look at. We also provide relevant information on how to write your own speech from scratch and if you don't want to create one from scratch,we also offer a service to write one for you within a short period of time.

So that, it can fit your specifications.

Otherwise have a look at the samples for church program welcome speeches given

church program welcome speeches

I salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus(Choose your greeting style, this can differ from one church to another depending on the culture of the church,make sure you understand and try to meet what people expect)

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for the provisions to be here today, many had wished to see this day but didn't manage, you and me are very much privileged to be here let us give God glory and honor for the love.

It is by His grace that we have congregated today here as we share the love given from above and as the love of God is being revealed,we can only say ,God is love.
Let me extend appreciation to all of you and may the blessings for the Lord be with you always and whatever you do may it flourish through the might name of our Lord Jesus,

We know that the presence of our Lord is with us as we begin this program and shall be with us until we finish. It is our sincere prayer that the Holy spirit that God has promised to give in abundance shall guide us,teach and above all remind us what Jesus said through the day.

When we shall finish well, all the honor and glory shall be given to our heavenly Father.
Feel welcome and stay blessed.

church program welcome speeches

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