church thank you for coming

Looking for church thank you for coming message to share with other church members thanking them for the kind gesture they gave you in time of need.

Below is thank you messages to use to thank your church for coming to see you when you needed them most.

church thank you for coming

On behalf of the _________, We want to thank you for the service you rendered to our church and for your coming,

Our members  were overwhelmed with joy how God used you to speak to us.

Wherever you will be,may our almighty God be with you always.


Greetings in Jesus Name!

Through the mercies of God, I take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for allowing me to write this letter to thank you for rendering your hand when we needed it most.

On behalf of going forward school of the deaf. I want to say thank you for finding time as a church to help in cleaning our compound. Our community is so happy and together we say thank you for what you did.

You showed us exactly whom you are serving and some of our community members were inquiring about your church and the brochure and the literature materials you left behind played a big role in explaining to thank.

As a community we are going to plan and send some of our students together with an interpreter to come and attend your service this coming Sunday so that they can learn and enjoy your services and what you offer.

letter of appreciation to church members


Greetings in Jesus name

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for allowing me to write this letter on behalf of our family members to thank you for the church service that you conducted during the funeral of our grandmother.

The encouraging and inspiring songs that you sang not only reminded us the resurrection morning but also put hope in our hearts that we have life beyond the grave.

When pastor stood to preach the words that came out of his mouth were full of the spirit and the people who were attending the funeral went home praising the Lord because soon than later all those who are the grave will resurrect and every eye shall see the Lord who is Jesus.

Together we shall rise up and meet with him and everyone shall be rewarded according to His or her deeds.

We have faith that we shall meet together with our grandma who has rested.

letter of appreciation to church members

church thank you for coming

church thank you for coming

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