Thank you for being my spiritual father

Looking for thank you for being my spiritual father message for a letter you are about to write to your spiritual father in the church to show some appreciation for the work and role he is playing in your life?

Download thank you messages that we have prepared for you below here so that you can surprise your pastor or spiritual father.

How the message is formatted.

  • It has a powerful introduction
  • The body is packed with with good rhyming scriptures
  • The end flows well that you will love it
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thank you pastor for being my spiritual father$9.75

thank you pastor for being my spiritual father

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Thank you for visiting our page for a sample message to share with your pastor during the pastor appreciation day or when you are appreciating your pastor.

We have prepared good and touching messages in our resource page for you to download and use.

We charge a small fee of $ 9.75 for you to access and get the message to help you thank your spiritual father.

The fee goes towards in helping us maintain this site and also to run it smoothly.

For you to access, click the PayPal button below here and once you pay will instantly get the page and will find the messages you are looking for.

Below you will find the sample that you can use during an occasion or at the special moments that you want to appreciate your pastor for the wonderful role and work he is doing in your life.

God anointed him with a special calling and there is a reason as to why he is in your life.

Let me join the rest of the church members in showing love to you and thanking for making you to be my pastor, thank you for everything that you are doing to us as members and we pray that the love of God be with you always. You are in our prayers always. Be blessed pastor.

This is the time of the year when I just want to say thank you to our loving God in heaven, am humbled to join the rest of the church members in saying thank you for being my spiritual father, I will forever remain grateful to our God for the love and care.

Thank you for being my spiritual father letter

happy father's day to my spiritual father

Dear spiritual father,(insert the name here)

Thank you for being an earthly example of love of what we expect to learn of God, despite being mortal, we know there is not any other perfect example that we have like what God himself has given us.

All the roles and responsibilities that you have been given by our heavenly Father who is the source of everything you have done them with a diligent heart. May the flow of blessings shower your life and your family.

Thank you for being there for us, you counsel us, you pray with us, you share uplifting messages that God has given you, we can only say that you for having such a kind of spiritual father in our church.

We want to ask and pray to our heavenly Father to continue revealing to you more of what you will feed us and may you and your family be blessed abundantly.

Stay blessed and thank you always.

Yours in Christ,


appreciation message to a spiritual father

Allow me to thank our heavenly Father for the love and care.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being my spiritual father, you have always comfort and remind me to trust in the Lord when everything seem not working, your prayers come in hand when I need help most. May the good Lord fill you with wisdom and knowledge as He uses you to bless us always.

Thank you and God bless you.

In the love of God, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all the best and thanks for being my spiritual leader, I will forever be grateful for the love we share so far, I pray that God continue blessing us beyond our imagination through the grace He has for us.


Am moved today through the mercies of God to say that God made it possible for us to meet, thank you Pastor for being my spiritual father, you always inspire me, your encouraging words, and the wonderful advice you give, may God bless you always.


Let me take this opportunity to thank our loving Father in heaven, for according this gift of life, thank you for the privilege to be called your sons and daughters, as you celebrate this day, my prayer is that may our good Lord keep you in perfect peace always. Happy appreciation day.


This is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice in it, as  we celebrate this father's day, I want to take this opportunity to thank our Lord in heaven for the wonderful love and grace, I want to thank Him for making it possible for our paths to cross, I will forever thank God for you. I wish a happy father's day and thank you for being my spiritual father.

Through the mercies of God, I want to take this precious moment to thank you for being my spiritual father, I thank God for making our paths to cross, the journey has been good since you we met and you started guiding me spiritually, I will forever remain grateful for guidance, the word of God you do share with me and the prayer  you offer on behalf, be blessed always.

Let me take this precious moment to thank our Lord Jesus who has made it possible to be adopted into the being the children of God before the foundation of the world. As we celebrate this day, I will not miss you appreciate you for being my spiritual father and also for showing me the way that is in Jesus Christ and the many blessings that are in Him through the mercies of God. Happy father's day.

happy father's day to my spiritual father

When I look back to what the Lord has done to us, I will forever remain grateful, thank you my pastor for accepting to be my spiritual father, the journey has been good since we started walking together, you have prayed for me, encouraged me, guided me and always supporting me in my christian journey, may our good Lord be with you always and bless you abundantly.

We hope the above message has helped you.

If you wanted it to be written in a certain way,maybe there is a wonderful verse or message you wanted to be included, we welcome you to contact us so that we can help you to write one.

We take the shortest time to answer all the messages sent to us and you are sure that we shall assist you the soonest.

You can use the contact form below and fill so that we can get the details that you want to be included in the message or letter that you want to send or pass to your pastor.

fathers day wishes for a spiritual father

Otherwise may our good Lord be with you as you show some appreciation to your pastor and let the love of God that comes from above bind you together and may you be filled with peace that surpasses human understanding in all that you do in your daily endeavors.

We wish you all the best and would love to welcome you once again to our site for information for your church.

If you want us we update you when we publish new information for the church.You can subscribe to our monthly newsletter that will enable us to keep in touch with you as we move together in this journey.

honoring your spiritual father

appreciation message to a spiritual father

thank you for being my spiritual father

birthday message to my spiritual father

spiritual father quotes

fathers day message to my spiritual father

who is a spiritual father

spiritual fathers day messages

happy father's day message to my pastor

As the world celebrate the fathers day, I want to take this opportunity to wish you a happy day and may our good Lord be with you always and bless you abundantly, thank you for being my spiritual father, you have really helped me grow spiritually, happy fathers day

fathers day message to my pastor

I always look forward to this day, the day when I remember my favorite person, that is my pastor, thank you for the far you have guided me and helped me reach,I pray that God shower you with much blessings this day. Happy fathers day my pastor. You will always remain my hero, you have played a very important role in my life and may our good Lord bless you always.

As we start the new year, I want to thank our loving Father in heaven for the gift of life and for giving us another chance to serve His purpose in our generation. God bless you always my pastor.

new year wishes to my spiritual father

fathers day welcome address

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