church welcome greetings

Below are church welcome greetings for an event in the church.

The following are just samples to have a look at as you prepare to do a warm welcome in the occasion in the church.

  • My dear brethren I greet you in the name of Jesus,good-morning. welcome to our service and may the Lord be with you as we listen to His voice this day.

  • It is a great honor to stand before you as I pass greetings through the name of Jesus, How are you in the Lord

  • Gentlemen and Ladies of Christ,good-morning, I hope the Lord has kept you well for the whole week and therefore take this opportunity to welcome you all to our services and feel at Jesus feet.

church welcome greetings to your pastor

Many of us forget to pray for their pastor because we tend to think that since they are our spiritual leaders they don’t need us to pray for them but it is us who need to be prayed for,

As a pastor I want to tell you that pastors need more of your prayers than anybody else,

It is because the wiles of the devil target them more than anybody else. They stand in between death and life and that is why they are targeted more than most of us.

Let us remember them everyday when you wake up and when you got to sleep just praying for them.

They need your strength and the only place they can get them is through prayers. Below here am going to share with you some of the samples prayers that you can use to pray to your pastor

A prayer for your pastor

Thank you Lord for this morning

That you have given me Lord

I want to praise and glorify your

Name because you are my father

Let me thank you for the provision of time

That you have given user

Thank you for the love that you have given us

Thank you for the sharing that we have lord

Thank you for the grace that is sufficient

Let me take this time Lord

To remember my pastor

Thank you for the gift of life

That you have given him

I want to thank you in a special way

For guiding him and enabling him to minister to us

Thank you lord for the word that is flowing through him

May you keep on strengthening him and guiding him

So that father he can be a blessing unto us and to many

Thank you father for hearing this prayer

For I pray in Jesus name


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