closing church prayers

Here is the complete closing church prayers that you can share with your fellow church members. Your Pastor has asked you to lead the church with closing prayer in the next service. Below here are the samples

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Without wasting much of your time. Here is the prayer that you can give infront of your church members if your pastor has asked you to give a favor by giving the closing prayer after the service,the anniversary and so on.



Father in the name of Jesus Christ,

Thank you for the gift of life

Thank you for allowing us to finish the service well,

We are pleased that the Holy Spirit has guided us well

Thank you Lord for your presence that we felt through the service,

Now we have come to an end of this period and as we separate

May you go with us as you have promised

And may your blessings be with each of us who attended today's service

Till we meet again

For we ask in the name of Jesus Christ


***More of the closing church prayers below here

Anniversary Prayers-closing church prayers


Precious Father  through the name of Jesus Christ,

We want to thank you for allowing us to meet in this manner

Thank you father for the wonderful love that you have for us

We praise you and glorify your name today

Thank you father for the grace that is sufficient in our lives

We are here to praise you Father

We are happy that your promises are al yes and Amen

You promised to be with us and we are happy that you have led us this far

Thank you for the Holy Spirit that has guided our church this far

We are happy as a church and we praise you father

As we have celebrated this anniversary we want to thank you for the love

And as we close today is meeting we want to thank you father through the name of

Jesus Christ that you have given us Lord

Thank you father for hearing and answering our prayers for we have asked through

The name of Jesus Christ


After the service-closing church prayers


Father through the name of Jesus Christ,

We want to thank you for your love that you have given our church,

Thank you for the wonderful service that we have had in our church today

Thank you for the word that we have received here today,

We want to thank you for the nourishment and may you be glorified forever,

as we have finished may you go with us for we ask

through the name of Jesus Christ,



My Father in the name of Jesus Christ

Let us take this opportunity to thank you for your love and guidance

We want to praise you because you care and you have great plans for us

Thank you for your promises to us that is YES and Amen,

Father when we started the service you were with us and thank you for you are with us as,

we have finished,

precious father as we head home now we thank you for being with us and we glorify you Lord

May your will always be us in the name of Jesus.


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