closing prayer for church service

Looking for closing prayer for church service?

You are looking forward to the next service and want to know the format of a closing prayer

You are in this page because were requested to prepare and give a closing prayer during the upcoming service and we presume this is your first time you are going to do it and don't know how to begin or what to do when you are doing a public prayer.

I know you have been doing a personal prayer but this time round your pastor requested to do it publicly.

so far you don't know what to do and are looking for sample prayer to help and guide you as you look forward to the service.

Thank you for visiting our site.

We have prepared PDF file prayer that you can download and read it during the church service.

Click the button below and you will be able to have a page that has got occasional materials and choose the section of prayer then you will be able to download and print it to use.

Click the PayPal button below here and once you have paid $9.75, you will have a page where the resource materials are.

Don't be nervous we are going to help you. Our site is full of samples that you can have a look at and also information that can help you as you prepare for the service in church.

First let us look at the sample and later provide you with information down the page.

Here is the closing prayer for church service sample to look at....

Our dear and loving Father who is in heaven, we want to thank you and praise you for the wonderful love that you have shown to us since we began this service of the day, your Holy Spirit has guided and helped us understand your willing which you have revealed in your word.

Thank you for your mercies and care that you have provided to us today.

Bless each and every one of us as we leave here and disperse to our various home, grant us journey mercies and protection, Thank you for the church leadership and all over us in general.


to help you pray during the service.

Thank you for visiting our site for a sample.

We have a free sample below here that can guide you and as well be standby to be used during the day.

We are here for you and we keep on updating information for the church.

If you need a church speech we have it here as well as church letters to thank your visitors and guests for attending the service.

You can also share with your fellow church members to also have a site that can be of great assistance to all.

closing prayer for church service

closing prayer for church service

closing prayer for church service

closing prayer for church service

Here is a sample closing prayer for church service.

You don't need to quote exactly the way the prayer is but you need to have a concept on how to pray so that the Holy spirit that God has promised shall guide you to pray better as the scripture says below here.

Romans 8:26-27. In the same way the Spirit [comes to us and] helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit Himself [knows our need and at the right time] intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words. 27 And He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because the Spirit intercedes [before God] on behalf of God’s people in accordance with God’s will.

closing prayer for church service

Now you can pray this prayer.

Our Father who is in heaven,

We want to thank you for the wonderful love,

that you have given us as a church

thank you God for the provision that you have given us,

We are grateful from our hearts for being with us

We praise you and glorify you now

thank you for the word that we have heard through your servant

And now we want to end the service of today

Thank you Lord for you have promised never to leave us nor forsake us

thank you that you are guiding us and you are with us

we thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in the name of Jesus

you have given us.

We hope the above sample prayer and the information has helped you.

Now you are ready to offer a prayer after the church service. We want to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and help you get ready for the service.

We are praying for you and may the love of God be with you as you fellowship together.

Stay blessed.

closing prayer for church service

Heavenly Father, We want to thank you for the far you have brought us,thank you for the service that we have had, as we head home, we want to ask you to protect and guide us all through,thank you for your love and care,may your name be glorified now and forever more,for we have asked through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

how to dismiss prayer congregation after service

Once the service is over, the congregation need to be dismissed and the only way to do is through prayer.

Here is a sample prayer that you can offer as you release the faithfuls once the service is over:

closing prayer for church service

closing prayer for church service

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