Download a short speech on Easter down here in our page and have it best as you celebrate together the Easter period in church.
What best you can have a part from getting the short Easter speech we have prepared for you down here.
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Let the love of God be with you always.
Good morning everyone,
When I was looking at the Calendar today,
It dawned on me that today is Easter times and I'm happy to stand before you to welcome you all to this service that we have today,
As we share and remember the love of God, let this period be dedicated in doing good so that we can show the whole world that Jesus died and resurrected and he is alive today.
Welcome and feel at Jesus feet
Greeting in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus.
This is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice forever for His wonderful mercies He has given us freely.
Let me take this precious moment to welcome each and every one of you to our wonderful celebration that we are having today, the Easter period is a time when we reflect back and thank God for the far that we have traveled in this journey of faith, we can all recall how Jesus traveled from His home area Galilee to Jerusalem to participate in an act that changed the history of the world as we have it today.
>>>> download the full speech by clicking here to access it
Hope you have found help in our site, since we care for you and want to make sure that you are prepared for the occasion that is very important in the church calendar.
Let us work together and have the Easter celebration a wonderful and memorable one that all of us shall never forget.
Thank you for visiting our site and may our good Lord be with you and your fellow believer in perfect peace always.
Be blessed in the Lord always.
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