usher day poems

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There is always a reason why we must show an appreciation to our loved ones more so in the church.

Looking back to the goodness of the Lord in our lives. We have a special reason to share love with our ushers in our church this day of the Lord.

There is much done by ours such as ushering us in,greeting us as we come in,showing us where to sit and lastly but not least to smile to everyone who comes to worship in the church.

The poems have complied below we go on to show appreciation to the church ushers.

We adore you our ushers -usher day poems

One of the usher day poems is here to share to read during this day is here.The poem below here is dedicated to the ushers for allowing God to use them in the harvest and in His work

Thank you for leading us to the worship hour
we respect you
we adore you
we thank you
and may the love of God be with you

Your smile always make me feel at peace
Whenever I'm in the church
this is the place i look forward
to be always
my only church that i love

As i step in to sit at my regular seat
I praise God for this day
what a joy to be in the presence of the Lord
your love that flows from the Lord
Can be felt

I love the way you greet us often
when we arrive in the church
after a long week of so much to do
it is another chance to share love
i feel loved and cared for in the presence of the Lord

usher day poems

Thank you visitors for coming

This is the day that the Lord has given us

We are here to celebrate and mark a milestone

In our church

The guests  and friends who have found time to come

We want to thank you very much

Your coming here was the love of God


What you have done to us as  church

You have not only made us to love but also

Celebrated together

May the blessings of the Lord be with you always

And may whatever you shall be doing where you

Be with you always as we share this grace of the Lord


Till another time that the Lord shall give

Want to say thank you and God bless you


As you enjoy the usher day in the church, may the good Lord be with you always. Make the day to be the best and memorable so that , the church members can feel that the love of God is at work always.

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