usher day speeches for church

Looking for usher day speeches for church?Here is a ready to use speech

We have prepared a sample speech for you as you prepare for the usher day in church.

If you it's your first day that you are doing to speak, now have a great opportunity to be inspired by the sample speech below.

Our mission is to make sure the first timers get the confidence needed to speak in church, we are here to work with you.

Let us have the sample speech to help you

usher day speeches for church

The invited guests present, the ministers of the gospel who have come to grace the occasion, our church pastor and the first lady, the departmental heads and all the church members who have come to worship today,

I greet you all in the name of Jesus.

Today is the usher day in our church and we want to join them as they celebrate this day that reminds them for the call and worthy cause that the Lord has given them to serve in the church for the glory of God.

We are all sons and daughters in Christ and whichever area that you serve it is God given and we all work for the common goal to preach the everlasting kingdom message that brings salvation to all.

On behalf of the church I want to thank the Lord for this day because it is very important to us here in the church.


You have all noticed that the ushers play a very important role in making sure that we all feel comfortable as we meet with our maker in the church.

As you enter through that door coming here to worship, the first person to meet is the church ushers who greets you with the message of hope and invite you to participate in listening to the worship message of the day.

Imagine one time coming and being met with a gloomy usher. How will your day be. We can all say that your day will be spoiled because of that.

It is my prayer that we pray for the ushers wherever we are because the work they are doing needs patience and humility since they hold the hearts of many at hand.

Therefore as we celebrate together for this day. We want to thank the Lord for the wonderful gifts that given us here in the church to serve in different capacities.

The usher department have lined up several activities that they are going to show case to reveal to us how this work is done and at the same time teach us the love of God and how we are going to love each other.

As we commence this special day in our church. Let  me invite each and every one of you to feel at Jesus feet and know that our loving God loves us so much and cares for each and every one of us.

We also have special people in the midst including choirs who have come to make this day wonderful

Allow me to invite the church pastor to bring to us more guests before we hand over the program to the usher department to take us through.

Be blessed in the Lord always.


more of the usher day speeches for church

usher day speeches for church

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ!

Let me take this chance to welcome each and every one of you to this day,

The day that we have always looked forward to in our church,

It is a great honor to see many people who have come from far and wide to make sure they have witnessed the activities of the day and how the love of God is shared among us in our church,

I feel privileged and honor to welcome you in a special way and feel at Jesus feet,

As we start the programs have the love of God with you and may you be blessed more that you came

Thank a lot for coming and God bless you always.

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