welcome address speech for church

Here is the welcome address speech for church that can help you prepare to do a welcome in church soon. We have samples below here in our pages.

Today is a wonderful,

Allow me to welcome you to the house of the lord. I want to greet you in Jesus name, how are you? How is your homes? Thank you for finding time to come and grace this occasion.

I feel privileged through the mercies of God on behalf of our church to stand here to do this welcome.

This is an occasion as a church we have always looked forward to, a time to witness an event in the history of our church, am happy to be part of it.

I hope you too are also excited to be here to witness this occasion, all of us have something to be telling our children that we ever witnessed the ordination of pastor Joshua Darlington.

I want to welcome each and every one of you to be part of the larger brethren who want to wish our pastor all the best as he starts another chapter of service in his life.

welcome address speech for church

Here is a welcoming visitors at church speech

Good morning fellow saints,

Let me take this opportunity the Lord has given me to welcome you all to today service. It is a great honor to be at Jesus feet.

Allow me to welcome the visitors the Lord has given us today. I want to tell you that the Lord loves you and thank you for coming to worship with us today.We want to make a sincere request that you are welcome all the time and you can make this church your local church too.

Feel welcome and God loves you all.

Greetings in Jesus name.

What a joy that the Lord has given us today as we fellowship together in His house. He said that his house shall be a place for all people to come together for prayers.

We are so happy to see this day and I want to welcome each one of you to this service.

We are also.privileged to have visitors on our midst who have joined our family as we share the love of God together.

How many want to join me in welcoming the visitors in a marvelous way to our service today?

Visitors present you can see the hands that everybody is happy for your coming.

We thank the Lord for your coming and go ahead also to make this church your worship center if you stay around.

welcome address speech for church

welcome address speech for church

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