words of appreciation to pastor

Looking for words of appreciation to pastor to share with your pastor during the pastor appreciation day or month in church?

Find Biblical and inspiring words that can share with your pastor below here.

The words can be shared through social media, snail mail, message or any other means that you can reach your pastor.

We have packaged the messages using the texts from the bible.

words of appreciation to pastor

  • Hello my Pastor, receive greetings in Jesus name, it is with a great honor through the mercies of our Lord Jesus to join the rest of the church members in wishing you happy day as you mark this special occasion in your service to humanity, it is my prayer that may our good Lord grant you more years to serve and fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ.
  • Greetings in Jesus name, I want to take this precious moment to thank our Lord for giving us this wonderful opportunity to be partakers in the redemption work, being s pastor is a call and I thank God for calling you to the ministry, I also thank God for making it possible for us to cross roads in the vineyard of our Lord, I pray to our Father in heaven to always keep you in perfect peace and grant you more years to changes lives. Be blessed pastor and happy appreciation day.
  • I know the Lord is good and thank God for everything, thank you for the word that you always share with us and thank you for the inspiring messages you always share with us as members, I can vividly remember the last message you send me through my phone and want to say thank you, as we mark this appreciation day in church, it is my prayer that God will keep giving you strength, keep opening doors for you and take you to greater heights as you serve Him.God bless you and fill you with more wisdom and knowledge.Happy appreciation day.

words of appreciation to pastor

  • Happy appreciation day pastor, thank you for being our pastor, thank you for the encouraging words you always share with us, thank you for the wonderful preachings you do every Sunday, thank you for counselling you always give us, as you celebrate this day, may our good Lord be with you always and guide you in every step that you walk through, thank you Pastor and God bless you abundantly.

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