5 year church anniversary theme

Looking for 5 year church anniversary theme? Here is a biblical theme you can download so that it can help you prepare for the occasion that you are planning to have in church of celebrating 5 years of existence since the church started.

Save time by downloading the themes we have prepared for you down here, you only need to pay a small fee of $5.99, then you will instantly download 15 themes that we have prepared in 3 pages.

Click on the PayPal button below here and you will have the themes in PDF format.


You are here because you are looking for 5 year anniversary celebration theme samples.

We assume this is your first time have been asked to come up with a theme that fit the occasion and want help.

Thank you for visiting our page, we are going to help you.

Look at the example themes we have given below that might of great assistance to you.

The theme depicts the milestone a church has achieved and we are here to give you more so that your anniversary will be great.

We thank the Lord for the wonderful mercies and here comes the 5 year anniversary in your church.

Oooh members are scratching their heads about the theme for this anniversary.

well, you can remember last year during the 4th  anniversary and the lovely them the church had.

I welcome you to my site for quick reference and I'm going to help you pick a good theme for your 5 anniversary.

I'm going to help you choose the best theme but it depends on what preparation you have done as a church.

Here is a common theme that is based on the scripture.

5 year church anniversary theme samples

looking back, Reaching forward

Looking back to what the Lord has done to us by preparing a way out of the sin problem and look forward to the second physical appearance of Jesus Christ.

Our eyes fixed on the author and finisher of our faith. Who is Jesus Christ.

Well this is the theme for this 5 year anniversary celebration,

5 year church anniversary theme samples

Philippians 3:14

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

As a church if you choose this theme...You are assured that it will keep the members on toes to the calling that the Lord has before them as a church that is a great call to minister to the whole world preparing the people who will be in Christ as they get prepared for the physical appearance of our Lord Jesus.

Let your pastor prepare a sermon also that is based on the scripture that is above.

Some of the activities you can engage your church members to do as you prepare for this day are the following

  • pray for the occasion------

There is power in prayers and the bible recommend us to pray all the time without ceasing. 1 Thessalonian 5:16 and it is a law that we need to cooperate with at all times

  • Invite friends and relatives

It is good to have visitors coming to your church to celebrate with you as you mark this important day in the church. The Lord has done so many things in your church and it is an opportunity to offer thanksgiving with friends and relatives.

May the good Lord be upon you and the grace of God guide you as you celebrate with other members and visitors who come to grace the occasion

We hope the above sample themes have served you well.

We want to take this opportunity to continue praying for you as you prepare for the occasion in the church.

May our heavenly Father keep you at perfect peace and have a fruitful day in the church.

Thank you and God bless you

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