church anniversary themes

Looking for church anniversary themes? Here are the biblical themes that you can have a look at and adapt for your church during the anniversary.

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suggested themes for church anniversary

If church is looking for the best biblical church anniversary theme,Here are the suggested themes for church anniversary.

These themes for church anniversary will be of great help.

Let us move together slowly and see what are some of the themes that you can adopt as a church so that you can make your anniversary the best and memorable one not only to the organizers but also the church members.

Imagine hearing one church members sayings….I look forward to the next church anniversary when will the date be.

I know this one will make you smile as an organizer because you know that you and your team did a nice job.

That is why this page is here for you. To make your anniversary a memorable one that nobody will ever forget about it like their birthdays.

Let  us some of the themes that you can adapt for your church anniversary. Starting with the most common one.

Anniversary theme that focuses on the future

Called for a purpose

This a theme that enhances your purpose as a church. One of the command of Jesus Christ is that we go out and preach the gospel while teaching everybody to observe the teaching of Jesus Christ and also baptizing them in the name of Jesus Christ read Mathew 28:18-20.

Let everybody know why the church exist so that everybody can participate in making sure the purpose is achieved.

Church vision

Every church has a vision for the existence that enables to achieve the call that the Lord has given the church to accomplish. The theme need to come out very clearly so that the church and the members can see clearly. I know  the church members will be very happy to see how the church will be in the next 10 or 20 years going forward.

Let all this be in a banner so that everyone can see and if possible have an artistic impression of the church building that you will have forward.


This theme is good because it focuses on the core mandate of the church.

we are called to walk by faith and not by sight.

Let all the activities in the church center around this theme to make sure it remains a reminder to the rest of the church members that it is only through faith that we are able to impress our loving God.

Faith moves mountains.


A very nice theme indeed.

Everyone need to know that without God you can do nothing and therefore need to appreciate the fact the mercies of God is upon each and everyone of us.

We have been saved through grace and it is not by our selves but it is by the love of God.

Let this theme guide everybody through the year as they meditate upon the goodness of the Lord and what God has already done to us.

Jesus is the grace of God and the free gift to anyone who want to be at peace.


Jesus commanded us to love each other and during this church anniversary. You can incorporate this great theme.

So that it can be a reminder to everyone that the church exist to advance the agenda of Jesus.

Let this theme reflect in every part of the activities within the church as you celebrate this anniversary in the church.

Call to every member of the church to participate.

church anniversary themes

Themes that shows the presents.

A pastor sermon.

During the anniversary you can have one of the best sermons from your pastor. The sermons should be in line with the theme. The pastor can try the best to encourage the members so that members can be happy for what the church is achieving and the purpose for the existence of the church has God has called you for.

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