an association's welcome address

Looking for an association's welcome address to share when you meet as sister churches.

Greetings in Jesus Christ.

I'm humbled through the mercies of God to stand before you to do this welcoming .

I want to thank my pastor for according me this opportunity.

As I was preparing to come and speak I prayed and asked God to give me words to speak during this day.

I remember what God told the young Jeremiah of the old, when he had doubts what to tell the Israelites.

Those words gave me comfort.

I know the Holy Spirit will give me words today to speak. Let us always give God glory for the love He has shown to us.

Majority of us we have traveled from far and wide to be here today, we are congregating together as sister churches to thank God for that far He has brought us.

As the secretary of the host church, let me thank almighty God for according this privilege to welcome you to our church.

Our church has really grown since you were here.

We can only count the blessings bestowed upon us as sojourners of the path prepared by our Lord Jesus who came and walked like us,experienced what we are experiencing and won the battle.

It is only through him that we can be overcomers.

We know each one of us is striving to grow through  grace, so that we can be counted righteous.

Are you all ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

We also look forward to that home that Jesus went to prepare for us,a place we shall live together without worries, no death ,no diseases nor parting one another.

How I wish not to miss.

As a church hosting you today we have prepared programs and activities that help us to focus on Jesus and Jesus a lone.

Let the fellowship we have today,be a life changing one which will uplift our heart to the throne of mercy. 

Thank you all for finding time to be here today,feel at Jesus feet.

Without wasting time, let me welcome the master of ceremony who will guide and give us the direction we are going to take today.

Thank you and God bless you all for your coming.

an association's welcome address

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