Looking for children church anniversary welcome speech sample.
We thank you for visiting our page we have a sample speech below here.
Welcome to our ________________(1st,2nd,3rd.4th.5th.6th.7th,8th,9th,10th....100th) anniversary in our church in the section of the children.
Th main mother church has set aside this children church specifically to take care of the children in this church so that the promise of God in Proverbs chapter twenty two and verse six which says train up a child in the way should go and when grown up will not forget.
I want to remind the parents who have come to celebrate with us in this children church that it is the responsibility of the parents to hook up the children to start loving the Lord while young and even it starts right at the time of conception.
Therefore it is a great call for all of us to take this noble responsibility seriously so that we can continue cooperating with the Lord in the work of salvation.
Our church once realized that noble call we had to start a church which is dedicated to the children so that they can be nurtured while young and today we are marking________years since we opened doors to this ministry.
As we share this love together here today,let us continue praying to this children church so that will of God can continue being manifested so that we can touch many young hearts because the Lord says,let all children come unto me.
Thank you for finding time to be here and may the Holy spirit speak to us now and forever me through the name of the our Lord Jesus.
Feel welcome to the church of the young ones.
The children church is very vital in any church and we thank your church for seeing it well to start one.
May God bless you abundantly for that.
I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus,
On behalf of the church board and the children department, let me take this opportunity to welcome you all to our children church anniversary celebration being held today.
We want to thank the Lord for giving us the grace to see this day, we have been praying for this occasion and want to thank the Holy spirit for enabling us to see it.
We are very grateful for finding time to be here and the ones who are melting with joy is our children and we are happy that they have lined up several activities to showcase as they show as how they are growing in the Lord.
Let the will of God be manifested during this day through the name of our Lord Jesus.
Feel welcome at Jesus feet,
We hope you found what you were looking for.
Otherwise we are praying for you as you prepare for the occasion and may our heavenly Father fill you with the Holy Spirit as you prepare for the day and the occasion in the church.
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