children day welcome speech in church

Here is the children day welcome speech in church that you can download so that it can help you in the upcoming church occasion that you are going to have soon in your church.

Below you can be able to download the speech that we have prepared for you, the speech is ready to be used and you don't have to worry what you are going to say, since we have made it ready for you.

There is nothing you are going to do except maybe minimal modification but the speech is fine if you use it the way it is.

For you to get the speech you need to pay a small fee of $9.75, am sure you are asking, why charge for it, we charge a small fee to help us maintain the materials we have here for you for future use for the occasion.

Just click on the PayPal button below and once you pay $9.75, you will instantly receive a page that you can get the children day welcome speech in church and more materials to help you prepare for the occasion.


children day welcome speech in church

Here below is just a sample beginning line or a glimpse of the introduction part.

Praise God! I humbly stand before you presence............

This the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice in it again and again, we are grateful to our loving Father in heaven, for making it possible for us to have this occasion in our church.

It has been a year since we were here again to celebrate our children in this church and we are happy again to be here to see what the Lord has in store for us this year.

I know through His mercies, this year event will be better that what we had last year because God has been faithful and has filled us with wisdom and knowledge to make it better.

His grace is sufficient to us.

children day welcome speech in church

We also have another one below here that you can have a look at. This is just a line you will get in the introductory part of the speech for the children's day in church.

We thank you all for joining us for this wonderful occasion............

Together we have come here to celebrate a department that is forgotten most of the time.

children day welcome speech in church

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