church 100 year anniversary themes

Looking for church 100 year anniversary themes?

Below are the sample themes that you can have a look at as you prepare for the occasion.

Thank you for visiting our page for ideas of the themes that you can use in the church during the 100 years celebration.

The themes have given below are my favorite and have derived them from the favorite verses I love in the bible.

You can download great themes to help you prepare for the upcoming occasion in church.

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And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.(Philippians 1:6).

Based on the verse above of Philippians 1:6, you can have the main topic to be "He who began good work in us" as the guiding theme for the festivities.

This will give the atmosphere a good connections as  the church is celebrating the 100 years anniversary.

Majority of the members present might not have been there when the foundation of the church was began but they will have the same feelings like those who started the church and are long gone.

Let all know that the work is not to men but it belongs to God.

The same faith that they used to trust the Lord is still in operation and let the church give God glory as you mark  the 100 years of preaching the gospel and ministering to many.

The theme can run through the year,so that majority can know that God is at work even the coming 1000 years ahead as you bring many into the light and be saved.

church 100 year anniversary themes


 And he said, “Listen, all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: Thus says the Lord to you, ‘Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God's(2 Chronicles 20:15).

This is one of my favorite themes have always recommended to churches to use for any occasion.

As you have read the verse, the Lord is reminding us that all our battles belongs to Him.

Many times we cane start something and because of discouragement brought by the obstacles we meet on the way,we don't know what to do.

Churches have been started but they die on the way,

If as a church you have survived for 100 years then you can know that those who have passed through it have always trusted in the Lord.

Make this to be the theme to celebrate the 100 years of the work of the Lord. The Lord has fought many battles on your behalf and you need to keep on trusting Him for the next many years ahead that the church will exist before Jesus comes the second time.

Achieving 100 years of service in the vineyard of the Lord is not an easy thing.

The hand of God is behind everything and we need to give Him glory and honor for His faithfulness.

We grateful for visiting our site to find out if we have good themes that can help you get ready for the 100 years celebrations that is ahead of you, we are here to partner with you towards preparing for the occasion.

In our pages we have great and wonderful themes that you can have a look at.

We are sure you will get one that will you towards the occasion that is ahead of you.

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