church anniversary invitation letter

Here is the church anniversary invitation letter to download so that it can help and guide you as you write invitation letter for the church anniversary.

As you look forward to the church anniversary celebrations in your church,the samples we have shared here will help you.

We know and understand how time is precious for you and we would like to help you.

We have prepared the church letter template for you down here so that you can instantly download it.


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With only $10.99 you are able to get the template and also access other related template for free.

Just pay $10.99 below and you will be able to access, then instantly receive the template.

church anniversary invitation letter$10.99

sample church anniversary invitation letter


Greeting in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus.

I feel humbled through the mercies of our Lord Jesus to extend this invitation for our church anniversary.

The board that is preparing for occasion recommended that you be one of the speakers. The theme for the anniversary will be "GOING FOR THE BIG  PRIZE".Prepare to feed us the word of God.

We are going to have various guests being invited to grace the occasion, as one of them we highly welcome you and pray to our good Lord in heaven to take care and be with you until we see you during that occasion.

Thank you in advance and look forward to your attendance.

Yours in the Lord

(Name of the sender)

church anniversary thank you letter


Greetings in Jesus name

On behalf of Church Bishop and the church board, I want to take this opportunity to thank your church for gracing our church anniversary.

It was great moments that we share together, your contribution and prayers is highly appreciated by the church at large, enclosed is the DVD recorded for the whole event. Our partnership is for the betterment of the mission of Jesus Christ.

We wish you all the best in all your endeavors.

Yours in the Lord

(Name of the sender)

invitation letter for church anniversary

Dear (Recipient)

Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus.

On behalf of the church pastor and management, I want to extend this invitation to your church as you join for the upcoming 20th anniversary that we shall celebrate in our church premises.

Your presence will highly be appreciated.

Thank you in advance as you look forward to attending the occasion.

Yours in the Lord

(Name of the sender)

congratulations letter for church anniversary


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus.

On behalf of our church pastor and the board, I want to wish happy 10th anniversary of serving the people of God. As your sister church we feel privileged to be associated with you as we labor together in the vineyard of the Lord.

We pray for the Spirit of God to be upon as you keep spreading the goodnews of the Kingdom.

Congratulations and God bless you

Yours in Christ

(name of the sender).


Greetings in Jesus name 

In response to the discussion we had recently over the phone. The organizing committee that is tasked in planning for this year church anniversary so it better for you to grace the occasion.

The celebration theme for this year anniversary will be...

We look forward to seeing you during the occasion as you come to share the bread of heaven for all those who will attend the event 

We are looking forward to many people attending the occasion 


Greetings in Jesus name

On behalf of our pastor and the church board , I take this precious moment to thank the Lord for giving us the gift of life.

As we discussed earlier, we are going to have our annual church anniversary on date.

You are invited as our of our guest and will be gracing the occasion.

church anniversary invitation letter

We hope the above samples have helped you..

We keep on updating the page and we invite you to keep on checking. Otherwise, may the good Lord bless your occasion with much blessings

content of inviting people to church anniversary

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