church visitor welcome letter

Looking for church visitor welcome letter?

Thank you for visiting our page. We have free samples below here and many more.

We presume you are here because are looking for ideas on how to write a welcome letter for the visitors.

If this is your first time that you are doing that, we highly welcome to our page for samples and information that can help you to know how to write one.

First let us look at the sample letter that you can use then as you read downwards shall find more information that will help you..

Here we go..

church visitor welcome letter$10.99

Download church visitor welcome template

Here is a church visitor welcome letter sample for you

church visitor welcome letter

Welcome___________(Name of the church)

We are very much glad in the Lord for you joining to worship with us today.

We are very excited for being part of the large congregation who came to our worship meeting.

The Lord says where two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus He is in the midst.

We are happy that we were more than two and thank the Lord for His presence.

We hope that you have had a good  experience with the worship of today and enjoyed our services.This is how our church is from week to week.We have many amazing things happening in our church.

If you have felt at home make our church to be your worship center where you come to meet your maker and give Him glory always.

church welcome letter sample

Here is a church welcome letter sample to use as you invite people to your church.

Greetings in Jesus name

It is with great joy to write this letter on behalf of the church, first to thank you for coming to fellowship with us today as a guest and also appreciate you for choosing our church.

As the church management, we take the earliest opportunity to thank our God in heaven for making it possible to have you in our church. We have faith that you are going to make our church as your second home if you have relocated near our church.

As you have seen today, wr love visitors and always appreciate them, our programs as you saw today are exciting and tailored towards making one to have faith in our Lord Jesus.

We hope you are going to sample some of our activities we do in our church and if possible join one or two that you can me active.

We invite you this coming Sunday to join us in a special orientation program that will give you a glimpse of what we do as a church.

Feel welcome and God bless you 

church speaker welcome letter

Dear (Recipient)

On behalf of the church, I take this precious moments to inform you that when the committee sat recently to look for a speaker,your name was recommended and therefore are invited to come and speak to us on(DATE)

The theme of the day will "SETTING THE MIND FOR THE THINGS FROM ABOVE" and the key verse will be Colossians 3:2.

We looking forward having you speaker to us as the Spirit of the Lord will lead.

For any further clarification or information,don't hesitate to contact me.

church welcome letter to visitors

Dear (Recipient)

On behalf of the Church of the high hill, we want to thank you for visiting our church recently where we fellowship together. As a church we were very much happy to see you joining us for the service.

I'm writing to inform you that, we are going to have a visitors service next Sunday in our church and you are going to be our special guest.

We have free materials shall give and look forward seeing you once again.

church welcome letter sample

church visitor welcome letter

new church member welcome letter from pastor

church new member welcome letter template

church visitor welcome letter

request for church membership letter

church visitor welcome visitor letter

church visitor welcome letter

The above sample will give you a clue of what you expect when writing a church visitor welcome letter to the visitors who have come to worship with you.

It is good to make them feel at Jesus feet and make them repeat worshipers.

Of course you know the benefits.

Your church will grow and many others will follow like more funds coming to the church and the growth of the church shall be witnessed.

There is nothing that touches someone like when you are recognized. This is in every one of us.

One time I visited a certain church that will not mention here. I want to testify that what I experienced in that church has stuck in mind forever.

To start with nobody recognized and even it was me who found a place to sit and after listening to sermon.No visitor was identified we jut sat there till the service ended and we went home.

This happened long time before I became a pastor.

This made me to make a promise that once I become a pastor will never ignore visitors in the church.

Do you think I went back to that church again.

I never.

Let us encourage leadership of any church to always make it possible for the church to make all the visitors feel at service and also want to always come back for more.

church visitor welcome letter

church visitor welcome letter

That is why we created this site to share with you relevant information and also give you materials that can make your a church a place where people want to come to worship.

Hope you have found what you are looking for.

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