church anniversary speeches

Looking for church anniversary speeches..We have downloadable speeches in our page that you can have a look at and be able to download one for yourself so that can help you in the occasion ahead of you.

We have made one that is downloadable in PDF  and you will get it instantly after paying a price of  $10.99.

The speech is in 3 pages that is arranged in an orderly manner,which will help you not to memorize many things.We have made it simple in that it can fit to any church anniversary whether it is 1st,2nd and so on.

How is the Church speech formatted.

  • It has what to say at the introduction.
  • Opening statements as you speak
  • Guiding scriptural verses
  • What to say in between.
  • How to end the speech
  • How to give the closing remarks before the church anniversary speech ends.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Brothers and sisters, esteemed church members, reverend fathers, and honored guests,

Today, as we gather here in this sacred place, pulsating with cherished memories intertwined with beautiful visions for the future, it is a moment of reflection, gratitude, and unity. We stand here not merely as individuals but as a thriving and resilient faith community, marking another year of our beloved church's existence, making another footprint on the sands of time.

The pews of this glorious church have echoed tales of unity, fellowship, kindness, and faith. As we celebrate the church's anniversary today, those tales reverberate with renewed veneration, rekindling our trust in the Almighty, in ourselves, and in mankind.

But before we stride forward, let us rewind the journey that led us here.

Our founding forefathers, with everlasting faith in their hearts and unyielding resolution in their spirits, laid the cornerstone of this church. This wasn't simply putting together bricks and mortar but sowing the seeds of community, hope, and spirituality. The light that their faith lit continues to be our guiding beacon and strengthens our bond even today.

Trust me, my brethren, it is no small feat that we celebrate today. Our tale isn’t just of survival, but it is one of thriving against all odds, of overcoming trials and tribulations, of continuously evolving and growing as a community and as individuals. It is a tale that validates the veracity of that age-old saying, "Faith can move mountains." (Buy the full speech below here)

church anniversary speechesBuy $10.99 Now

We presume this is your first time that you have been asked or requested to prepare and deliver a church speech.

Don't be anxious below here we have a ready to use speech that can help you for the occasion

We want to thank you for visiting our page and are praying for you as you prepare for the occasion

Here is the church anniversary speech that you can download instantly.

welcome for a church anniversary

If you new to how church anniversary speeches looks like. Below here you will find samples that we have prepared for you to help as you prepare for the occasion.

The examples remains to be examples because they might differ from what you expected but the format remains to be the same.

If you already have a celebration theme that the church has put in place then we request you to contact us so that we can help you to write one for you.

Meanwhile here is the sample speeches to have a look at and also help you to prepare for the occasion that is ahead of you.

church anniversary speeches

welcome speech for church anniversary

Looking for welcome speech for church anniversary? Below is a sample speech to help you as you prepare for the occasion in church.

My dear brethren in Christ, I great you in the only name in heaven and earth , the name Jesus Christ, how are you?

Welcome to our annual church anniversary, let me take this precious moment to thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful love shown to us and we have managed to be here again after a whole year,

Those who are new, we take this opportunity to welcome you as you celebrate together with us during this occasion.

Some of our member didn't manage to see this year' s anniversary but if you managed count the blessings of the Lord.

Our Church pastor has guided us well and I want to tell you that so far we have moved from one glory to another.

As we start this program, we have much lined a head of us and I'm requesting you to keep praying for the day so that the will of God can be done.

Otherwise feel at Jesus feet and God bless you

first church anniversary speech

Here is a a good speech for a one year old church anniversary

first church anniversary speech

Good-morning  brethren!

It’s a great honor to welcome you to our first anniversary in our church, we want to thank God for leading us this far, we are only starting out and want to thank God for his presence.

Feel welcome to the Jesus feet, this is the day that the lord has made and shall forever rejoice in it.

It is only the other day that we began to worship only three of us as a family here,

I can’t imagine that we have grown this far, we have grown through the grace of God and we have faith in Him that we are going far because of His mercies.

We all count the blessings of the Lord,

I look forward to the many things that the Lord has prepared for us

Those who are joining us for the first time,

We want to remind ourselves that this is the church on the move,

May the good Lord be with us as we keep on worshiping Him

Feel blessed for the services a head.

church anniversary speeches

church anniversary speeches

7th church anniversary speech

My fellow Christians and church members,invited guests present,

I greet you in the name of the Lord,

Good morning,

Let me take this opportunity given by the Lord to welcome you

To our special service that is meant to commemorate how far

Our church has come,

We count to blessings of the Lord on a daily basis,

We can only say, were it not for the Lord, where would we be?

We can only say, thank you Lord for everything,


There are lots of activities lined up today and each is signifying a very important role

In the progress of our church,

They are going to be brought to us in a wonderful way guided by the Holy Spirit,

As we start, let me say feel welcome and may the good Lord be with you as you join as in this important

Exercise in our church,

Thank you for coming and stay blessed always.

church anniversary speeches

church anniversary speeches in our pages are well written and you will love them, you can instantly download them for use in the event that is ahead of you.

20th church anniversary speeches

Greetings in Jesus name

Allow me to welcome each and every one of you to this special event in our church calendar.

We want to thank God for allowing us to be here today and more to see this 20th church anniversary. Find the full 20th anniversary speech here and other related materials

We hope you got what you wanted. We coach and guide in order to meet your needs.

You can follow our guidelines concerning writing a material including the anniversary speech you are looking or just download one that is ready to be used but do few modifications here and there.

welcome speech 40th church anniversary

Greetings in Jesus name.

I'm humbled by the mercies of our Lord Jesus to stand here on behalf of the church to say something concerning this special event in our church calendar.

We are all aware that today is the 40th church anniversary, when we look back and thank God for the far He has led us.Find the full 40th church anniversary here and othere related materials to help prepare for the occasion

50th church anniversary speech

50th church anniversary speeches

Here is the sample of church 50 years jubilee celebration

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,How are you?

Let me take this chance the Lord Has granted to us today in our church,to welcome each and everyone of you to this occasion and a great time for all of us. Today marks the 50th anniversary since the inception of our church.I can remember well how it was and today we can count the blessings of the Lord given to us.

It has been a long journey but we thank God that we are moving one well. We all sure that in the next 50 years things shall be different than they are today, I can't fathom how the church will be at that time. We all pray for the guidance of the Holy spirit so that we can fulfill the purpose of the Lord the church has been given.

As we celebrate together for the years given. May the Love of God be with us always.

Stay blessed and feel welcome to our church.

75th church anniversary speech of a church

I greet you in name of our Lord Jesus,good morning

Let me take this opportunity that the Lord has given me to welcome you all to this special occasion in our church that we are marking 75 years of service in the house of the Lord.

No one knew that we shall be here today and more so alive to see this day. It is by mercies of the Lord that many of us have managed to be here today.

Thank you for each one of you for finding time to be here today as we celebrate together this 75 anniversary in our church.

Feel welcome and may God bless you all.

Short greetings for church anniversaries

You are looking for Short greetings for church anniversaries to help you:

Have a look at this....

  • I'm humbly and privileged to stand before you. I would love to thank our Pastor_________(insert the name of your pastor) and the church leadership for entrusting to speak on behalf of the church.
  • Today marks the beginning of a new triumphant year of the Lord,the year of celebration,thanks and praise as we begin a new chapter.

remarks at church anniversary

Have been requested to give short remarks at church anniversary and don't know where to begin? We have samples here that can help you as you prepare and get ready for the occasion.

Here are the samples for you...

church anniversary speeches

Greetings in Jesus name.

Ladies and gentlemen present, our senior pastor and the coworkers in the ministry, the church management, fellow church members, what a joy to be here today.

It has been a long journey but we want to thank God for the love and care  He has for us as a church.

We are so much privileged to see this day that we have never seen in our lives, as we congregate here today in one accord, we want to thank our Almighty God for everything.

When we started this journey, maybe majority present here were not there at the beginning and have just joined in the midway, the blessings are the same.

church anniversary celebration speech

church anniversary invitation letter sample

Looking for a church anniversary invitation letter sample to help you as you plan for the occasion in church?

Below is a sample to have a look at:-

sample church anniversary sponsorship letter

Looking for a sample church anniversary sponsorship letter to help you write to sponsors who will help you prepare for the church anniversary?

Here is a sample that can assist you.

church anniversary congratulations letter

Looking for church anniversary congratulations letter to assist you as you plan for the occasion in church? Here is a sample to have a look at..

church anniversary letter to congregation

Looking for church anniversary letter to congregation that you can use to thank the congregation of the good work they did towards the preparation of the occasion?

Here is a sample

My Pastor,fellow church members

We are very much privileged because of the love of God

To see this special day in our church calendar,

A day that the Lord had prepared for us

Let me take this opportunity to welcome those who have come

to share with us the first time,feel welcome and at Jesus feet,

without wasting time let me welcome our pastor to share something before

we continue.....

Chairman's acceptance speech for the church anniversary

Looking for the Chairman's acceptance speech for the church anniversary? Below is a sample..

Brethren in Christ I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Let me take this opportunity to thank my Lord and our Father for allowing us to gather here today as mark this historical event in the church. It is a special occasion to you and me that the Lord has given us to celebrate the birth of our church.

We have come from very far and as the chairman of this church,I want to say that were it not for the hand of God, I don't know if we would have made the steps that you have seen.

Let me make a request to you that you continue praying for the power of God to continue being manifested and also His grace to continue dwelling on our hearts.

Otherwise God bless you abundantly.

church anniversary speeches

church anniversary celebration speeches


church anniversary thanksgiving for men

church anniversary speeches

10th church anniversary speeches

Greetings in Jesus name 

I feel humbled to stand before you at this hour to welcome you to this special occasion in our church. 

We are marking a milestone as we celebrate 10 years of service.

I want to thank each and every one of you who have found time to be here today.

Old and young feel welcome and may the good Lord be with you as we share the love of God together.

God bless you

If you have been appointed by the church board to given a speech and want a ready to use. Then we have given a free one below.

You can customize it to fit the occasion because you know better your audience and what you want to address.

The one we  have provided below here is a general one that can be used in any occasion. It is our prayer that the grace of God guide you and at the end you can have a successful day.

Let me wish you all the best as you prepare yourself to given a maiden speech.

church anniversary speeches

church occasion speech sample

Church anniversary speech

church anniversary speeches

sample welcome speech

 For more information :church anniversary speeches

baptist church anniversary welcome speech

Church anniversary occasion speech

This baptist church anniversary welcome speech is tailored towards the members of the Baptist church who want it be written in a specific way. Feel welcome as you share the speech with others during the occasion.

SPECIFIC church anniversary speeches

sample of speech for church anniversaries

If you want specific church anniversary speeches for each year look at this now.

Here are the sample of speech for church anniversaries

Church anniversary speech

 first church anniversary

second church anniversary

church anniversary speeches

Church anniversary speech

church anniversary speeches -Tips

Tips for picking perfect church anniversary speeches topics

When it comes to choosing what to speak about during the anniversary,there are several topics that can guide you depending on the congregation.

Before you settle on what you will be speaking about.

Have it in mind that there is a lot of expectation from the congregation or the people who are attending the church anniversary.

Keep in mind that as you get started,you need to brainstorm and a good church speech need to involve the listeners.

When you give the listeners a topic before you start talking they will in a position to visualize on the topic as you will be presenting.

church anniversary speeches

church anniversary speeches

church anniversary message from the pastor

thank you for attending our church anniversary service

sample acknowledgement for church anniversary

how to write church anniversary speech

125th church anniversary remarks

75th anniversary speech 

sample program for church anniversary and thanksgiving day

family goodwill message for church anniversary

Thank you for visiting our page and God bless you abundantly.

We are always ready to avail all that you need to make sure the occasion in your church is satisfactory to you.

We hope you got the speech for the upcoming anniversary, if not then look at some of the speeches that we have prepared for you. In any of the church anniversary you are going to have we got the speech for you.

We are your partner in this journey so that can make our anniversaries memorable ones.

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