Looking for 10 year church anniversary ideas to help plan for the church event in your church. Look no further below here we have given great ideas for you
Below are some ideas to look at:
Greetings in Jesus name good people
Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to be here today as we celebrate this special day in our church.
I'm humbled to see a lot people coming to share with us the love of God.
On behalf of the church I want to welcome each and everyone of you to this year anniversary.
As a church we have organized our programs to align to the wonderful theme that the church chose which reminds us of the greatest calling that Jesus left us to accomplish, go ye to the whole world and preach the gospel.
I know we have a lot of expectations and want to assure you that every thing is in place and the power of God is at work.
Let us pray for the day and God is going to bless us abundantly.
Welcome and have it to the fullest.
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus
I feel humbled to stand before you as your pastor to give this few remarks as we come together to celebrate 10 years of service in the vineyard of the Lord.
First let me thank the Lord for allowing us to congregate here today and let me also thank each and everyone of you for finding time to come and we end the year together with the blessings from the Lord.
When we started the year, we asked our loving Father who is in heaven to guide and help us move to a next level and we are happy to say that today we have a testimony to give during this day.
As we start the program, let me say that you have been good to me and you have given me humble time to serve you well.
I want to ask our loving Lord to keep you at peace always even to the coming year.
God bless you
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