church award speech

Here are the examples of church award speech to have a look at so that you can use during the occasion in the church

Thank you for visiting our page and we are very much grateful to have you here. Our mission to avail any speech for an occasion in the church.

Just have a look at the examples of church award speech given below here and pick any that you want...

church musician award

You need something to say when presenting our church musician a gift or award?

Here is what you can say...

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

Let me thank our Lord Jesus for this wonderful opportunity accorded to me as I present this gift to our brother/sister today.

It is a rare chance given to me and will just say thank you to the Lord for the wonderful mercies given upon us.

Let me also say to our brother/sister to keep on singing because singing is part of praising the Lord.

Thank you all and God bless you.

church award speech

welcome speech choir concert award

Looking for welcome speech choir concert award?

Here is a sample speech that can assist you as you prepare for the event in church.

Ladies and gentlemen, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

Let me take this precious moments to thank our heaven Father for the wonderful gift of life that He has given us to congregate here today as as we celebrate this great event in our church.

Today we having choir concert and have many guests and choirs in our midst. It is a great opportunity to share the love of God together today.

I want to welcome each and every one of you as we fellowship together through singing. Let us invite the Holy Spirit to guide and minister to us today.

Feel at Jesus and God bless you

church award speech

Brothers and sister in Christ, I greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus, How are you? It is a great privilege and honor to stand before you during this hour on behalf our church to receive this award that is before us,
Let me thank our heavenly Father for the mercies accorded to me and the church at large in that we have been recognized after this event.
Even though when you read in the book of second Corinthian chapter ten and verse twelve the bible says and I quote..Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another. I want to reiterate that we are not comparing ourselves when we award each other,
This is just a recognition and want to thank our heavenly father for the provisions and we give Him honor and glory for everything,
Let me thank all the organizers of the event, you have done a wonderful job in bringing together all these churches to share a common goal of singing.
We have praised our God and also enriched our souls because of the messages the songs were carrying, thank you all for participating and may God bless us all as we keep on singing to Him a new song and a song of victory.
Thank you for the chance and God bless you.

 award speech -sample two

The organizers of this event, church members,choirs that are represented here and the adjudicators, I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus,

Allow me to thank our heavenly Father for this wonderful opportunity He has given us to be here. We have sang and praised our father through songs. Now we have come to an end of today's ceremony.

Let me thank you on behalf of our church choir for this award, this is a great motivation that shows if you practice you will bring glory to God.

Thank you my fellow church members for the effort and may our God keep you fit as you sing to Him.

Thank you all and God bless you

We hope the above samples have really helped you.

If you have a specific theme that you have as a church and want it to be mentioned in the award speech.

We have written a manual that can help you write one.

The guidance is for you and will take you from the beginning to the end and will discover that your confidence has increased.

You are asking now, how to I get the manual guide..

Follow this link how to write and deliver a church speech and will be able to download it.

Sometimes you need help in writing the speech.

We have that provision for you.

Below here is the contact form that you can use to give us the details that will enable us to write a speech on your behalf.

Make sure you give us all the details including the theme for the award that you have in church.

Contact Us

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Let us take this opportunity to wish you all the best as you have the occasion in church.

We want to pray to our heavenly Father to fill you with the holy Spirit and give you the guidance as you prepare for the occasion in church.

God bless you and thank you

church award speech

sample church awards

thank you speech award church
welcome speech choir concert award

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