church donation letter

Here is the church donation letter sample to help you during this time of need

We are very happy to serve you.

Welcome to our page and ministry of servant-hood, whatever you need we shall provide and if not, in the near future we will.

Here are samples of letters that you are looking for.

You can download the speech below here after paying a small fee of $10.99 that is payable through PayPal. After your payment you will receive an instant page that you can download your letter


donation letter for church building

Dear (Recipient)

Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus!

On behalf of our church pastor and the management,am very humbled in writing concerning the special collection that we have a head of us towards helping in building our church which has stalled for a long period of time.

We pray to our heavenly Father that we shall collect enough to enable the completion of the sanctuary. Little here and little there will be enough.

We are making an appeal to goodwill friends like you to give so that the house of the Lord will be completed.

We thank you in advance as we look forward to receiving your donation towards the noble cause.

God bless you as you prepare for the same.

Yours in Christ

(Name of the sender)

church vbs donation request letter

Dear (Recipient)

Greetings through the name of our Lord Jesus.

I hope this letter finds you well, on behalf of the church board and the Senior Pastor, I'm writing this letter concerning the Vbs classes to be conducted in our church premises.

This is an important activity in our church calendar that nurtures our young mind in church to prepare them for the after life.

This year Vbs will be life changing time and we have organized exciting programs for our children. This program cost money and we are making humble request to make a donation  towards facilitating the programs.

We have not made a minimum donation but we leave it open so that the Spirit of God can lead you to give the much you can.

We appreciate for your prompt reaction to enable us plan for the day early.

We look forward seeing your child learning and having good times with other children.

Thank you and God bless you

Yours in the Lord

(Name of the sender)

church Christmas donations letter sample

We thank you for visiting our page and look forward working together in the future as we keep on making our churches and ministries better place to worship in.

God bless you as you prepare for the event to collect money to help build the church and other related events

Church donation letter

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