church fundraising speech

Here is the sample for church fundraising speech that you can have a look at and help you prepare one for the occasion

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church fundraising speech

Greetings in Jesus name

I'm humbled through the mercies of our Lord Jesus to stand before you at this hour as we start this event.

These are special moments as a church because after this exercise our church will move to another level of evangelism.

I'm very much from the bottom of my heart that you were able to find time to come so that we can join hands to make the vision realized.

This church is build on the foundations that we shall go out and touch many people in every area corner of this area, we cannot make the dream come to pass if we cannot come together each one of us according the measure that God has blessed us with.

In the Bible we read of the story of the children of Israel moving from Egypt to Canaan under the guidance of Moses,Aron and the rest, the purpose of Moses was to lead the group out of Egypt but despite the assurance from God, we can see the children of Israel complaining and blaming Moses.

Their complains were justified in the hardship they faced as they so journeyed through the deserts but God delivered them miraculously through His power.

One time they faced enemies and the hand of God guided them, so long as the hands of Moses were up they defeated the enemies who were the amalekites, once Aron realized what was happening they found out a way of keeping the hands of Moses on air to have the victory that God promised them.

That lesson is very relevant today in that we have enemies that comes in many forms and unless we keep our hands up, we cannot win.

As a church we feel our hands are getting tired and we need friends of goodwill like you to help keep our hands up,unless you help us to keep the hands up, we shall be defeated and the mission of God will derail.

As we join hands today for this fundraising to help this church to build a sanctuary, it is my prayer that the enemy will be defeated because God has promised victory through the name of our Lord Jesus.

I call upon you not to get tired in doing the good work of the Lord.

Let the grace of God help and bind us together to fulfill what brought us together today.

speeches on raising money for church building

church fundraising speech

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