church homecoming welcome speech

Well this church homecoming welcome speech will be of great help as you welcome former members of the church who grew up and left the church to join other areas or far country but still of your faith.

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Here is a long church homecoming welcome speech

Our pastor and the wife, fellow church members, the invited guest and the most important in our congregation who have this day to happen and have seen it well to come and worship with us here today.

These saints played a very important role in this church and their contribution is what made this church be what it is today here.

They are former members who grew here and know each and part of ourselves here and know how our church is and where we have come from.

God used them mightily and their contribution is very even up today.

That is why the church saw it well to make a special homecoming for them so that we can share together the love of God that the Lord has given us.

It is by the grace of God that we are able to celebrate together here. And allow me now to welcome them officially and before we can start anything .let me request them to stand so that we can see the many people the church of God has produced out there.

The beloved saints of God may you stand now.

As they are standing, there are some points I want to pass across to you so that you can be aware what the day entails.

We are going to have several activities as you can note from the bulletin and it is backed day full of the love of God.

I want to make a special request to you that as the activities shall proceed please keep on praying so that the hand of God can guide us and make this day a success.

Let us now give a warm welcome to our brothers and sisters who are joining us for this homecoming day in our church and club for them so that they can know that we all value them and have been praying for them and we always welcome them to our church.

Before our pastor welcome them officially. let us all stand and sing this song that we all love and the grace of God flows through our hearts and as we celebrate this day.

When we all get to heaven, what a joy that will be…

Pastor now is your time to welcome your members to this day.

church homecoming welcome speech

Here is short church homecoming welcome speech

Our church pastor and the first lady in the church,fellow church members
former church members and invited guests who have come to today to celebrate
with us this home coming day in our church.
Well, let me say thank you for coming and may the good Lord be with you in all
that you are doing in spreading the gospel as Jesus commanded us
thank you and God bless you always

church homecoming welcome speech

church homecoming welcome speech from a church member:

Let me take this opportunity to thank God for the wonderful gift of life given to us.

Let me take this opportunity to thank God for the wonderful gift of life given to us.


We thank Him for the mercies bestowed upon us always to see another day. We glorify Him for all that given to us in this life.


We have seen His hand in everything that we do because He goes before us always to open up many doors that have blessings for us.

We have gathered here today as a church to commemorate what the Lord has done to us and the far brought us.

All we say is glory to Him.

I can vividly remember the first time I joined this church many years ago. It was moments of those when you say.

Ok. Let me try this fellowship.


I can’t regret the decision I made because the reception was wonderful and felt the presence of the Lord.

Since then, I told myself never to miss any service up to day.

Despite changing jobs from one place to another. Have always remained in touch with this church and want to say this is my home.

Anyone who has not made this church your home this is the time.

A place that you feel the presence of the Lord. The worshipers are so full of love. We praise and sing to the Lord. What a joy to honor God always.

As we mark this homecoming day in our church. I want to conclude by saying.

May God be with each and every one of us and live to glorify our God.

Thank you and God bless you.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Let me take this chance to thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful love and grace granted to us to day as we meet both current church members and those who have been here before during this homecoming service in our church.

We have been planning and praying for this occasion and want to thank our God for making it possible for us to see it today.

Let me thank each and everyone of you for finding time to be here, those who traveled from far to come and join us,may our Lord bless you abundantly.

As a hosting church we want to assure you that we have lined up many activities that are enriching and we know that after the day ends we shall thank our Lord.

Feel welcome and God bless you

church homecoming welcome speech

church home coming speech

Dear brethren in Christ, I greet you in the name of Jesus

Good-morning, and how are you all?

We want to thank our Lord Jesus Christ who has been good to us and enabled us to meet here again

It is his mercies that has kept us this far,

We praise and glorify our Lord always

As we commemorate this day which is our homecoming for some of our members

We are grateful to our Lord for making it possible to be hear so that we can celebrate together as a family of Jesus

The grace of God has guided us all through and we have something to be thankful about

Let me extend a warm welcome to each and every one of us who is attending this service today

May our good Lord be with you and keep you at peace always.

Feel welcome and God loves us.


We hope the above speech samples have helped you.

Let us wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion or for the service in your church.

We are praying for you and may our heavenly Father fill you with the Holy Spirit as you deliver the speech.

Our site caters for church members whose their first time in giving a speech.

If you would love to know how to write and deliver a church speech, then get guidance ebook to assist you

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