church prayer breakfast themes

Looking for church prayer breakfast themes that you can download to help you prepare for the occasion that is ahead of you, below you will find great ones that we have made ready for you to download.

Below you can be able to download the themes that you can use during the upcoming prayer breakfast in church that you have prepared.

And you are looking for great themes to help you energize the program and make the attendees remember the occasion.

That is what are good at, you can now access to more than you have asked below here for absolutely free.

We have put the themes in one page where you can get materials for occasions in church, for you to get the page you need to pay a small fee of $9.75 and you instantly receive the page where you can download your favorite themes plus occasional materials that can help you for the occasion.

click the PayPal button below and pay $9.75 and you will have the themes for the prayer breakfast plus more.


The above themes that you will download fit the occasion and you are assured that you will have something that you have been looking for.

church prayer breakfast themes


Key verse: Psalms 133:1

As you gather today for the prayer breakfast, the theme we have given below here will remind all those who have attended the prayer breakfast on the importance to pray together and put God first.

David learn this through the hard  way when the brothers hated him and even schemed on how to eradicate him where it not for the prayer of the mother, then we would be having a different story.

The mother prayed and even went ahead to encourage David to trust in the Lord always even during the most difficult moments.

It good to remain hopeful in the Lord always.

The Lord is good always, this is because our Lord is merciful and we have an encouragement to always pray without ceasing.

During this prayer breakfast let all those who come for the event remember to pray without stopping because the Lord is ready to answer the prayers from contrite hearts.

church prayer breakfast themes

Thank you for coming to our church prayer breakfast today.

church prayer breakfast themes

prayer breakfast themes and scriptures

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