church usher appreciation speech

The best church usher appreciation speech for the occasion in the church

The Usher appreciation day is around the corner and need a speech for the occasion.

Here is a quick Usher appreciation speech for you.

church usher appreciation speech

The brethren in the Lord I greet you all in the name of the Lord Jesus!

How are you this morning?

We want to welcome each and every one of you to this usher day in our church,

This day is meant to commemorate the good work that our ushers have done to this church to make it a success,

We all belong to the body of Christ with different assignments that the Lord has given us,

When the time comes to celebrate one part of the body we all feel happy because the lord is with

The angels of the Lord are ministering to us today according to Hebrews 1:14..Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?and we rejoice together as we remember the good work of the Lord in our church,

I take this opportunity to welcome all of you as we mark this day and may the good Lord guide us until we finish well the activities of the day that have been prepared for us in this church,

We want to ask the Lord to fill us with the knowledge of truth and also to give us the spirit of understanding during this day that we are appreciating our Ushers this day.

Feel welcome and may God be with us all through.

church usher appreciation speech

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Maranatha church,

What a joy to stand before you this time to welcome all of you to this occasion in our church,

We want to thank our Lord for the guidance accorded to us to be here today as we mark this anniversary in our church for the ushers,

Nobody knew that we shall be here today a part from the Lord,

It is the Lord who has protected us and taken care of us until we have seen another anniversary which is very important to us in this church,

We have been praying and wishing for this day to come and we want to thank God for making it possible to see it,

It is because of His mercies that we have gathered here to share and remind ourselves what the Lord has done and remaining good  to us as the church,

As we unfold many activities of the day, May the love of God be with us to the end and may we be able to learn from today how the Lord is faithful to those who remain faithful to His work and do it with love always,

As a church we want to welcome you all to join us as we share this love that God has granted to us.

Feel at Jesus feet to the end and be blessed as you participate to day.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,good morning
Let me take this chance the Lord has given me to stand before you,
To welcome you to this appreciation day of the ushers in our church,
We are so happy for all those who have found time to be here in order to grace the occasion,
We want to thank God for being faithful to us,
His mercies endures forever and shall provide to us always
Let this occasion remind us the importance of sharing the love of God through service,
Feel welcome and be blessed.

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