Divine service welcome speech

Looking for divine service welcome speech to help in the upcoming service in church?

We understand how eager you are and why you need help, we are here to help you get the welcome speech that you will deliver during the divine hour that is ahead of you in church.

The welcome speech is ready to be downloaded and you only need to print it and get ready for the service.

To get the speech that we have prepared for you, you need to access the page that we have put the speech, it is a downloadable material, just pay a small fee of $9.75 and you will get the material and other digital products that can interest you.

click on the PayPal button below and you will instantly receive the material.


We know and understand how overwhelming it is to give a welcome speech for the first time.

If you have been requested or tasked by the church or pastor, Reverend to do a welcoming and you have never done and have resorted to find help, we thank you for landing our page.

We are the only organization that understand what first timers go through and have decided to come for your help.

How do we go about it.

First we want to give you a sample speech that can give you a clue on how you can write one. We know that churches and ministries are unique and have their own needs that must be met.

If you have time you can go through the sample to get an inspiration to write one.

But if you don't have time , then read further down to get information on how to go about getting help for a ready to use speech.

Let us have the sample for you now.

Calvary greetings!

What a joy to see you in this service.

Let me take this precious moment to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to be here today, we also want to thank Him for the wonderful opportunity to worship Him.

We also want to thank Him for the renewed mercies given to us this day as we fellowship together.

We want to ask Him to fill us with the knowledge of truth and give us wisdom and understanding so that we can be able to apply the word that He has given to us.

Feel welcome and let the love of God bind us forever.

Before you is a great team that the heaven has anointed to speak to us today, before we begin, I want to introduce each of them so that we can know their names before the program starts.

I will start in that order.........................................

And lastly my name is____________. let me thank you for listening to me and now let us begin the program as shown in the bulletin.

divine service welcome speech sample

If you don't have time and need help in writing one.

we are here for you, what you need to do is to fill the contact form below here and send us details on how you want us to prepare the speech for you.

If you want a theme to be included we also shall include it.

We hope have been of help to you.

We take this earliest opportunity to thank you for giving us the chance to serve you and we highly welcome you next time to our site and pages so that to get we can keep on making our churches have a great fellowship together.

Let the love of God be with you always and the Holy Spirit to keep on inspiring helping to know better the will of God.

Thank you and stay blessed.

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