Donation letter for church building

Here is the sample donation letter for church building that can guide and help you

Below here are sample letters to guide and help you and if you need a customized one, let us know so that we can be able to write on your behalf according to your specifications.

We only give samples but our work is to make sure you get what you wanted so that you can meet your target or specification.

That is our work and you don't need to worry what are you going to write, we already have experience and knows what is needed.

Look at our samples below here...

Dear (Recipient)

Greetings in Jesus name 

Hope the Lord has kept you well.

On behalf of the church organizing committee for the fundraising and the church pastor , am writing this letter to thank you for being one of our greatest welwishrr and prayer partner.

As you are aware our church has grown in terms of membership and the old sanctuary appeared to be small which prompted we build a bigger one.

We looking for friends like you who will donate and support us towards the same.

We are grateful for what you did in the past and hope the Lord will still use you the same.

We have a major fundraising coming up in the month of June 20th 2026. We look forward seeing what the Lord will do.

Continue praying for us and God bless you abundantly.

Yours in the Lord 

(Your name here )


Receive Calvary greetings in Jesus name.

Through the mercies of God, am writing this invitation letter to you on behalf of our church pastor to our fundraising to collect funds that will enable us complete the church building which has stalled for sometime now.

We need $1 million to completion and we trust the Lord will give us the breakthrough.

As a friend and partner of our church we are requesting you to pray for us as well donate anything that the Lord will touch you to give.

The main fundraising will conducted at our church premises on 12th Dec 2020 and we look forward seeing you with us.

We thank you for your continued support and prayer you have always given our church and are grateful for that.

Thank you and God bless you 

Thank you for visiting our page, be blessed, we are always ready to help and make your occasional a memorable one.

Feel free to go through our materials found here

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