Fellowship speech for outgoing youth president

Here is the fellowship speech for outgoing youth president in the church to thank him for the well done job

You have been asked to prepare and give a speech during the event of handing over of the leadership in church.

You are nervous and don't know what to say during the occasion.

We are here to make sure you have something to say, our work is to make sure you have the words that you can say during the time.

Welcome to our ministry and are your partners in this journey of making occasions and events in church memorable ones.

Look the sample fellowship speech for outgoing youth president

fellowship speech for outgoing youth president

I greet you through the mercies of God,

Good morning and how are you?

I'm very much humbled by the grace of God to stand before you this morning with thanksgiving in my heart for what the Lord has done to us, we have woken up well and have seen another day in our lives.

We have congregated here with one accord to do a celebration of our leaders who have done a wonderful job in our church of leading the church this far, we are welcoming another crop of leaders who will guide us in another session and we know that the work of the leaders shall progress forward.

Let me thank each one of you for finding time to be here today, we thank you families who are represented here now.

Have just stood on behalf of the youths of this church to thank our outgoing youth president for work he did on behalf of  the Lord in guiding and leading the youths with the integrity of the heart the same way David did in leading the children of Israel to greater heights.

We are happy today in celebrating his contributions in bettering the welfare of the youths,during his tenure we saw many youths beings active and were ready to be involved in many church activities unlike before.

It is during his tenure that we saw many youths going out for evangelism, many were active in proclaiming the message of heaven and we saw lost souls get saved.

Personally and also many youths we are grateful for his leadership and we pray that may God continue using him in other areas that have been purposed by God, we highly welcome the incoming youth president to continue the mantle and take the youth ministry to greater heights.

Let me end here by thanking the church and the community for the support to the youth ministry.

God bless you all

fellowship speech for outgoing youth president

May the good Lord be with you always.

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