he has risen Easter speech

Download he has risen Easter speech that we have prepared for you below here and it will help as the occasion nears by.

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he has risen easter speech

Brethren in Christ,

Greetings in Jesus name!

I want to start by saying He is risen, that is why me and you are a live today. We are here to witness this great event that our savior lives.

What a joy to come together as we celebrate this Easter occasion. We want to thank God for giving us this opportunity to be here so that can celebrate together in one accord.

I know it has taken the hand of God to reach this day.

As we celebrate together, we want to remember an event that happened over 2000 years ago when the son of man, without guilt but who carried our guilt was taken to the cross a time like this and carried our sins but after three days rose again from the death.

He was obedient even to death, and when he rose again, he rose with us and now sited at the right of God to administer justice.

Let us approach the throne of grace with thanksgiving in our hearts knowing that we have been set free and can enjoy the freely given grace that was brought to us by our savior Jesus Christ.

This Easter reminds us the mercies of God.

he has risen easter speech

God of mercy

he has risen easter speech

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