letter of appreciation to church after funeral

Looking for a letter of appreciation to church after funeral to download and send it to the church to appreciate them for the much they did during the occasion

The letter of appreciation we have prepared for you below here is ready to be downloaded from our pages.

The letter is in PDF format and once you pay a small fee of $10.99 you will instantly receive a page where you can be able to get the letter and download. The goodness is that you not only have the letter of appreciation but we have also given you other occasional letters at one place.

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letter of appreciation to church members$10.99

letter of appreciation to church after funeral

Greetings in Jesus name

I want to take this precious moments to say thank you for the wonders you did to our family as a church.

Your time and contribution you made towards the burial of our brother cannot go down unnoticed, God used you mightily and we want to prays and glorify Him forever.

We have nothing to offer as a pay back but just want to say thank you to each and every one of you. May the good Lord you be upon you always.

We look forward to joining you soon for the fellowship so that we can keep on worship together. 

letter of appreciation to church members

Greetings in Jesus name.

Let me take this precious moment to thank our Lord Jesus in heaven for the gift of life and the love that flows from heaven through us.

Hope the Lord has taken care of you and are at peace.

On behalf of our family, let me thank each and every one of you for the wonderful work you did to us, we appreciate a lot for standing with us during the difficult moment we had recently.

We were all in darkness but you came to our rescue and made our hearts to melt with gladness, we thank God for allowing us to be members of this church.

letter of appreciation to church after funeral

Dear Fellow Church members,

Receive greetings in Christ!

Let me pen this heartfelt message to you at this hour to thank each and every one of you who was touched and made a contribution towards to funeral of my brother that happened recently, as a family we were very much overwhelmed by your support and prayers.

We thank our church pastor and the church at large, we would have mentioned you by names but want to thank you in advance because in heaven all your names are recorded by the kind act that you did.

To download the full letter click this link and you will be take to a page and download it

Dear fellow church members 

 Greetings in Jesus name

I'm writing this letter on behalf of our family to thank each and every one of you for standing with our family when during the grieving period that engulfed our family.

Death is cruel and we didn't expect it to strike our family, we lost our brother when we least expected. Each one of us in the family saw a dark cloud hanging our heads and didn't know what to do, we were really devastated but we thank God that we have such a wonderful family that we call a church. 

When we didn't know where to run to, you came in and held our hands from the time he died to the end, you took the whole process as yours and made sure our brother had a good send off.

To download the full letter click and visit this page

letter of appreciation to church after funeral


Greetings in Jesus name!

I hope the Lord has kept you well and we want to thank Him for the gift of life.

I'm writing this letter on behalf of the family, to express our sincere gratitude for what you did to us as a family, we are grateful for all that the Lord used you to extend to our family during the period of darkness.

We lack words to express ourselves but we want to say that you and we want to confess that the church has become our second home, may the good Lord continue using you to do greater works on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let me join the rest of the church members in sending my condolence messages to you and your family members , to remind you that we are praying for you as a church and may our good Lord comfort you during this trying moments.

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