occasion speech for pastor installation

Looking for occasion speech for pastor installation?

We have great sample speeches below here that can help you during the occasion in the church.

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occasion speech for pastor installation

occasion speech for pastor installation

Brethren in Christ, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning,

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful love He has given us to be here today as we do the installation of our pastor today in our church.

It is a great honor and a privilege to have such kind of activity in our church and as we begin may the will of God be manifested in our midst.

Let me take this precious moments to that each and every one of you for finding time to come and witness as heaven does it is job, the Lord has anointed our pastor and given him the noble work of taking care of His people before Jesus comes.

We have been prying for this occasion and are happy today that the Lord finally has made it possible for us to be here. We are very glad in our hearts to see this day

This is a very important exercise that ushers in new way of doing things in our church, as pastor embarks on the duties bestowed upon him. We want to pray for him, God to be his guide always in all that he does,

The Bible says in 1 Timothy 3 that ....This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.

Our Pastor has desired a good work, a good work in sense that it is an area that is full of blessings,just imagine a situation whereby you represent people before God.

As we  pastor is being installed today,we want to wish him well and we promise to be praying for him always and support in the work that the Lord has called him to do.

We pray to our Father who is in heaven to fill him with knowledge to truth so that he can be able to feed us and also give him wisdom and understanding so that he can guide and help us know the truth. We are grateful to our pastor and the church at large for having this wonderful occasion taking place today.

Thank you and God bless you 

what to say to a pastor installation welcome and occasion

occasion speech for pastor installation

I hope the above speech has helped you.

We want to pray to our heavenly Father to give you wisdom and courage to deliver the speech with confidence.

As Christians and believers we rely on the power of the Holy spirit to teach us and show us the way in which we need to walk.

Therefore delivering a speech is no difference, you have been entrusted with a solemn responsibility to inspire and direct the souls to Christ for hope.

As you give the pastor installation speech in church, let the love of God be with you and give you strength so that the name of the Lord shall be lifted up.

It is our prayer that all shall be well as you look forward to the occasion in the church and may the grace of God be with you as you prepare to give the speech.

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