occasion speech for women's fellowship program

Looking for occasion speech for women's fellowship program at church to help you prepare for the occasion

We presume this is your first time that you have been asked or requested to prepare and deliver the occasional speech and don't know where to begin.

We welcome you to our page and just know that we cater for people whose their first time to give or deliver any church speech.

Below here you will find a sample speech to help as well as information that can help you as you get ready for the occasion in church.

Here an example of occasion speech for women's fellowship program to have a look at.

occasion speech for women's fellowship program

Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus!

We have humbly gathered here on this occasion of women in the church as we fellowship together.

Today is an important day in our church calendar when as we women we congregate together as we share, renew and revive ourselves towards our creator God.

Let me thank each and every one of you who found time to be here, we have left other things to come and listen to the Lord.

As always on this day, we have speakers who tackle different topics and also many other activities that reminds us the relationship we have with our Lord Jesus and above all the prayer we make together.

The theme focuses on "The virtuous woman( change here and insert the theme for this year the women fellowship) .

Let me highlight what we expect to achieve from the fellowship of today

(Outline what you expect the attendee to get at the end of the day)

Otherwise let us together keep on praying for each other so that the will of God can be fulfilled upon our lives.

Ladies of Zion allow me to conclude bu quote one verse from the book of Philippians 4:8 which says..whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

Let us never stop to fellowship together.

God bless you

(Your name here)

chair-lady, sponsor,etc( choose your title)

women fellowship speech sample

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Allow me to welcome each and every one of you to this fellowship. It is a rare opportunity for us to be here.

I want to give our loving God honor and glory for giving us this chance to meet as women who have a common goal and that is connecting ourselves to God. Feel at Jesus feet and know that our heavenly Father loves us all.

We have traveled from far and wide to come here and listen the word of God.

It is a life changing exercise and am sure we are going to gain a lot from our speakers.

We have powerful speakers who have come from far and want to ask you to keep praying for them so that our Father God will use them to communicate the message He has for us.

The theme of this fellowship is "TOGETHER WE CAN'.

I welcome you all and stay blessed.

(If you love this speech,please contact me and will customize it for you,God bless you)


Women of Zion I greet in the name of Jesus,

good morning

I'm humbled through the mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ to stand before you at this hour, first to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to have this prayer breakfast and second to thank each one of you for finding time to be here as we share this fellowship.

This is a church tradition because it was started going back during the time of disciples and I can echo the words of Paul in Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

That verse really touches me all the time when I read it, I was checking the original meaning of assembling together and came to discover that what Paul meant was the collecting together.

You all know that we have gathered together with a soul purpose of praying for one so that we can present our requests before the throne of mercy. I thank God for the opportunity to greet you and God bless you all for listening to me. 'shallom Yom'

occasion speech for women's fellowship

We hope the above occasion speech for women's fellowship sample has given you a picture on what you expect to deliver during the occasion in church.

As you are looking at the example above, we have more samples for you here and it is up to you to choose the one that can fit the occasion.

We all know that our churches are guided by the themes that will keep us focused on Jesus and Jesus alone.

If you already have a theme and would love to get a guidance to help you prepare for the occasion.

Then as others have already done.

You need guidance, many church members who we interacted and majority who write to us on a daily basis make a request we assist them to write a speech.

That is how we decided to come up with a manual that will take you step by step.

It is a 35 page page eBook that will give you tips and information that you need to be able to write any church speech including the occasion speech for my women's fellowship program that you are looking for.

Follow this link how to write and deliver a church speech for you to get the guidance manual that can help you as you are getting ready for the occasion in church.

Some might also look want to download instant PDF welcome church speeches that we have out together for you.

We have also simplified the process and now you can contact us we assist you in writing the speech.

If you are interested for the assistance, then what you need to do is to fill the form below here and give us the theme for the day and then we shall be able to write and send back to you a complete written speech that is in PDF.

Here is the contact form to help you send us the details.

occasion speech for women's fellowship

Contact Us

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

We hope the above alternatives have given above will enable you make a choice that will assist you get ready for the occasion.

The most important thing to remember is that, you need to put God first ask for the Holy Spirit to guide and show you the will of God during the day.

We are praying for you and may the good Lord be with you as you prepare and get ready for the occasion in church.

We wish you all the best and God be with you all through.

Thank you for visiting our page.

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