Offering speeches for church

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Meanwhile, if you have more time to browse around our site then below here are sample speech that can inspire you.

They are original offering speeches for church and you will love them

offering speeches for church sample

What a day that the Lord has given us to worship Him.

His grace has led us this far. We take this opportunity to given Him glory and honor. Our  Lord deserves to be praised.

Before we bring back what belong to Him through an offering.

Let us remind ourselves that where it not for the Lord nobody would have seen this day. It is the Lord who has led us this far that we have reached as individuals and the church as well.

When you look and search for all things that you have in your life, we can all say that we own nothing but we are just caretakers or stewards who have been bestowed with a privilege to take care of on behalf of our heavenly Father.

Therefore when you come before His face and into the temple you don’t need to come empty handed but need to be grateful for what the Lord has done to you and be and come the presence of the Lord with a gift.

Giving back to the Lord of what we have is a principle of the Lord that God himself has sanctified so that men can continue receiving blessings from Him while on earth.

Giving and offering is not bribing nor giving so that we can be blessed but it is a way which open the doors so that we can have a continues flow of the blessings of the Lord.

And if we don’t learn of this principle then we shall shut out ourselves the blessing that has been set aside for the seed of Abraham.

As you prepare your heart to give a gift to the Lord. Let us also prepare our hearts so that we can be at peace with our creator.

It is our prayer to each and every one of us who is present today to learn and obey the promises of the Lord because they are yes and amen unto us.

In the book of Malachi we learn a lot about this principle of giving. The word of says we try our Lord and see.

As ushers move forward to give us the direction in which we are going to give our gifts may the Holy spirit .

Now let me welcome everyone to bow down as we pray to our Lord before we given and offering.

offering speeches for church

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