ordination wishes messages

Looking for ordination wishes messages to share during an ordination occasional exercise in church

Through the mercies of the Lord,let me say congratulation Pastor as you get ordained today into the service of the Lord, this confirms that you have in the mission of the Lord and you want the Lord to use you, I want to wish you all the best as you start this journey of ushering the people of God to the kingdom of God.

God bless you and we are praying for you

Myself and my family want to take this opportunity to wish much blessings as you get ordained today into priesthood, it has been a long journey full of ups and down but our loving God in heaven took you by the hand and led you this far, we pray divine guidance as you take the new role of service, we are praying for you and God bless you abundantly. We are always together in the journey 


As you get ordained today, our prayer to you is that may our good Lord keep you in perfect peace as you serve the sheep that He has placed in your hand and may He fill you with wisdom and knowledge to lead the people to greater heights in spiritual matters ,once again want to say happy day as you celebrate your ordination.

ordination wishes messages

It is a blessed day indeed that the Lord has made that we shall rejoice in it, we have been for this day and we want to thank God for it, this is the Lord doing it and we are grateful in it, as you get ordained and may our good Lord be with you now and going forward, we want to wish you all the best. Happy ordination servant of God.

Below you can get the best messages that you can wish your pastor or a church leaders who is being ordained.

Click on the PayPal button below and once you pay $9.75, you will instantly receive the materials for the occasion and you will select the message you want to share.

ordination wishes messages$9.75

Download the best ordination wishes messages that we have put in one stop to share with the servant of God.

For you to be able to download the page, we charge a small fee of $ 9.75 to enable us run this site smoothly for your own benefits.

You can pay through the PayPal button below and immediately will receive the a download page with resources and one of them is ordination messages to wish your pastor.

ordination wishes messages

Below are samples to have a look at as you make a decision to download one from our page.

The best wishes messages here will help you as you look forward to the occasion in the church.

ordination wishes messages sample

congratulatory messages for ordination

As you get ordained today, what a joy to take this precious moment to wish you much blessings from the Lord, it has taken the hand of God to be where you are today, continue trusting in Him in many days ahead. Happy ordination servant of God.

ordination wishes messages

Congratulations man of God,

This is your day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice forever.Let me take this precious moments to congratulate you as you get ordained today, this a dream come because I can remember very well when we were growing up as young kids you ever mentioned to me that when you grow up, you will be a priest, am here to witness that indeed you have become one. I want to join others as we wish you all the best and may our good Lord use you to reach many in the world.

God bless you.

ordination wishes messages

We have always prayed for this day and want to take this precious moment to say to our heavenly Father, thank you for enabling us see this day, as get ordained today,may our good Lord be with you and help you serve Him diligently from your heart,we thank our God and be blessed.

ordination wishes messages

congratulations on your ordination deacon

God is love

Let me take this precious moment to wish you the blessings from heaven as you get ordained today as a deacon in church, we are praying for you and may our good Lord be with you as you serve in His vineyard. Thank you and be blessed 

ordination wishes messages

Ordination wishes for pastor

ordination congratulations messages

ordination wishes messages

I know becoming a pastor comes with great  responsibilities that you cannot do on your own but with our Lord leading, you will be able to do much because it is the Lord in you who is doing the work, let me take this earliest opportunity to wish you a happy ordination as you become the Pastor.

best wishes for priestly ordination anniversary

May the peace of God be upon you,

Today marks the 2nd anniversary since you were ordained to the priesthood, it has take the hand of God to see this day, as you celebrate this anniversary it is a time when you look back and thank the Lord for His goodness and it is our sincere prayer that He will continue using you according to His purpose. God bless you and those you are serving.

I want to join the rest of the church members in registering my wishes to you as you mark this special occasion in your priesthood, it has been a long journey but with the love of God and His unfailing grace, you have reached where you are today ,my prayer is that He who started good work on you will bring it to completion ,keep trusting in Him, we are together in this journey, God bless you always


As you celebrate the special anniversary today , let me take this opportunity to thank God for the far He has led you, we thank Him for opening the door of service to you and for making it possible for you to serve many people,  as you look back from where the journey began from, May our good Lord give you new perspective so that you can creatively deliver what He called you to do, let God guide and help you to love to greater heights, once again  I say Happy anniversary 

ordination wishes messages

ordination wishes messages

ordination anniversary wishes messages

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly for this day, a day that we have been praying and looking forward. we are happy for seeing it,a day to remember when you were ordained to the ministry, we can only count the blessings that God has given us through you, may God bless you always and the work He has given you. Happy anniversary from me and my family.

Praise God for the mercies, am overwhelmed with joy to join the rest of the well wishers in wishing you a happy anniversary as you mark 10 years since you were ordained, we thank God for the far He has led you and may He give you more years to be of value in serving the sheep He has bestowed on your hands. We praise God forever .


With the love of God am humbled to share with you the utmost wishers right from my heart as you celebrate the anniversary of your ordination today, I pray that the goodness of the Lord be with you always as you start another year of service, God be with you always.


It has been a long journey but our God is good, finally we can smile for what He has done to you, I remember the last time we shared you told me how excited you are for answered prayer, you prayed and waited upon the Lord to do His, we are overwhelmed with joy to see the Lord doing it, you are now going to be ordained as a full time minister of the gospel,  be blessed abundantly , all the best in your ordination

ordination wishes messages

It is with great joy to send my innermost wishes to you as you get ordained to the ministry today,  as you mark this important exercise in your life, may the love of God be with you during this day and be blessed abundantly by our good Lord in heaven 


The time have been praying finally its here and want to thank God for the far that He has led you, as you get ordained this day, may our good Lord guide and lead you to greater heights as you serve according to His purpose. God bless you and happy anniversary day Pastor.


Those are times when life seems so good to us, we are grateful to our Lord who is in heaven for making it possible for us to see this event, as you get ordained today, may our good Lord who started the good work in you bring it to completion as Paul says.

ordination wishes messages

25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood

It is the 25th anniversary since you were ordained to the ministry, we want to thank God for the far He has led you, we shall always count being lucky for giving us a priest like you who always inspires and give us direct, we also grateful for feeding us with the word,Much blessings from me and my family


Through the mercies of God, I want to take this precious moments to wish you God 's blessings as you mark 25 years since you were ordained as a minister of the gospel, May the love of God be with you and be filled with wisdom and knowledge so that you can serve the people God has placed in your hands. Happy anniversary 


I can't believe that today marks exactly 25 years since God called you to the ministry through ordination,we thank God for giving you chance for serving in the kingdom, we have faith that God will give you energy to continue doing the work He has called you to do, be blessed always


Our God is good, today is one the most memorable days in your life, it has been long but the goodness of God is always with you anywhere you are,I count myself lucky to witness you celebrating 25 years of service,  you have touched many lives and whatever you do will leave a mark that will be remembered by many, let me wish you God's blessing, Happy 25 years of service since you were ordained.


Let me join friends,relatives and well wishers in wishing you a happy ordination anniversary that you are celebrating today,May the love of God cover every aspects of your life and may our good Lord give you more years to celebrate His goodness. Be blessed


Today is a special day in your life pastor, no one knew that 25 years will come so fast, it is only the other day when you were ordained, let me take this precious moment to wish happy celebration  during this time when you thank God for the far He has brought you. Wish you all the best

ordination anniversary wishes

ordination wishes messages

silver jubilee of priestly ordination wishes

Let me take this opportunity to join the rest of the members as we wish you a silver jubilee during your celebration since you were ordained, it has take the hand of God  to be where you are today, as you mark the many years of service to God, we pray that God adds more years to serve and touch many lives around and far a way before the end of the world. We are praying for you and be blessed always


Today is the silver jubilee celebration since you were ordained, we want to thank God for the far He has led you , He has been good to you for the work He called you to do, you have done with it with the integrity of the heart as David did and His mercies has always followed you , God bless you in your celebration today

ordination anniversary wishes quotes

ordination wishes messages

Your ordination as a pastor is great show that the power of God is still moving in our midst, it is my prayer that you continue depending on the lord always and asking Him to guide and lead you as you minister in His vineyard.

text message to congratulate a newly ordained pastor

Hello Pastor,

Hope you are doing good in the Lord, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you as you get ordained today to the service, the love of God is upon you and shall be your guide and help whenever you will be performing His work, may the grace of God lead you always  anywhere you will, as your member am always praying for you and God will protect and be with you always. stay blessed as you get ordained today


Receive my warmest greetings in Jesus name.

Is onlu recent that we met and you disclosed to me that you are going to be ordained this week on Sunday, let me take this opportunity to wish you much blessings as you move to the next level of your service in the kingdom of God. Let God use you mightly in your endeavours


Congratulations pastor as you get ordained to the ministry today, we are grateful to our Lord who is in heaven for according us this chance to witness a lifetime experience , we have something now to tell our children that we ever saw our pastor being ordained, we are praying for you so that God can fill you with wisdom and knowledge to lead His people to Him, God bless you always


It has been my prayer for you to get ordained and today that prayer is a reality , I will only that God for giving me the opportunity to witness the lifetime event that will be memorable for many days to come, let me congratulate you for the step taken and may our good Lord guide and carry you a long as you serve people in His vineyard for the many days He has given you to be on earth, be blessed always and we love you very much.


Congratulations pastor, today is a special day in your life as you get ordained, it is a day we have always looked forward to and want to thank God for making it possible,as you anticipate and get ordained we shall always praise God for everything, May the good Lord be with you as you start the new chapter in your life, we thank and praise God forever.

ordination anniversary wishes messages

priestly ordination anniversary poems

congratulations wishes for a priest on his ordination

It is a wish for us human beings to  see our loving Lord help us move to another level, I want to take this precious moment to congratulate you for being ordained as a priest today, may our good Lord be with  you during this important exercise, be blessed.

priestly ordination quotes

ordination wishes messages

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