pastor anniversary

Pastor anniversary is a good time to show appreciation for your pastor for the wonderful work she or he is doing in nurturing the church to greater heights.

Many people never imagine the heavy work the pastor does. Many of us think that since pastor was called to do the work by God then naturally he knows what he is doing.

If we would have known what happens behind the curtain how pastor is trying he best to keep the church going. Then we would appreciate what he is doing.

Anyway, let us see what are some of the things or creative work that you can do to show pastor that you appreciate what he is doing.

It takes one person to think outside the box and come up with ideas that can make this anniversary be unique. If you have decided to celebrate it yearly then it is good for each year to be unique.

Below here we have come up with ideas that you can borrow and make your anniversary day a unique one. These are not the only ideas that are out there but as have said. You need to be creative and make the day unique.

Vision of the church

You all know the vision of the church and to make it a reality it is good for example as you mark the anniversary to make your pastor know that you are together and want the vision to succeed.

Strengthen it by reinforcing it with goals that you can set for in each member. You can say let us make a great contribution to the kitty that will make the vision come a reality.

If one of the target that you have is to increase the number of members then you can come up with a program on how you can evangelize and woo in new members to join the church.

What you expect during the pastor anniversary in your church.

The early you prepare for the occasion as a church, the better the memorable the event will be. Since this occasion comes once in a year.

We expect the following to be prioritized, so that the occasion will touch each person who will attend the event.

As an organization, we are walking together with you in this journey so that you can make it a success a long the way.

Let us share with you some of the things you can do as a person or as church to make it memorable

pastor anniversary

Have everybody in the church involved so that they can contribute great ideas that can help towards actualizing the anniversary for your pastor.

The good work that you pastor is doing in the church cannot be overlooked and need to be acknowledged.

congratulations pastor anniversary

As you celebrate this day, let me take this precious moment to join the rest of the church members  to wish you happy anniversary and may our good Lord be with you and bless you abundantly. Happy anniversary day

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