pastor appreciation sunday

Looking ideas for pastor appreciation Sunday that can enable you make the day as great as possible? Here are some of the ideas we have shared

In this page we have ideas including the speeches for the day,some improvements that you can do to make the day lovely for the church members, guests and many people who are going to attend.

pastor appreciation Sunday welcome speech

Our Church pastor, church members, invited guests and all members of good will who have come to fellowship with us.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus. Good morning.

I'm so much humbled by the mercies of our Lord Jesus to stand before you in this wonderful occasion that the Lord has given us to celebrate our pastor.

It is a Sunday like not other, whereby we have come to do one thing and that is to appreciate our Pastor for the work that the Lord has given him to do in our church on His behalf.

We are so lucky to have a pastor who goes an extra mile to do beyond our expectations and today as we come together we know that it is high time we also extend an hand of appreciation so that pastor can know that we really love and appreciate the work he is doing in our church.

I know majority of us have done it privately in that you have send a gift to our pastor and don't need to publicly announce it, as a church we appreciate and may our good Lord bless you abundantly for that.

Today we have come together and are putting our heads together so that as a church our pastor can know that we love him.

Majority carried gifts of all means and the surprise pastor is going to get am just thrilled to see the reaction, I will only thank God for this wonderful opportunity for us.

Now welcome each and every one of you to our wonderful service and we thank you for taking part in the activities ahead of us that we have prepared as a church to appreciate our pastor.

The appreciation day program says it all and we know that the Holy Spirit is at work and will guide and help us to the end.

Let me end here so that I can hand over to the master of ceremony who will take us through the program, hope each of us has got the program at hand.

God bless you all

pastor appreciation Sunday

Here are the ways you can make the Sunday great

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