Thank you pastor for everything

Looking for thank you pastor for everything messages to share with your pastor as you appreciate him for being your spiritual father.

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thank you pastor for everything

how to say thanks to a pastor

Let me take this opportunity to thank you for accepting to come and pray with us recently,we were so happy to see you come and may the good Lord bless you and your ministry.

Since you joined our church,  my life has changed for the better, the Holy Spirit  has used you to talk to my heart and have realized the importance of having a good relationship with my maker.  I take this opportunity to say thank you and May our heavenly  Father  continue using you do that you can reach others who are like me and need help. God bless you pastor

  • Thank you pastor for visiting me in the hospital to pray with me after undergoing surgery to remove a tumor in my stomach, your word of encouragement you shared with me from the word of God is still fresh and ringing in my head up today. Thank you pastor for coming and God bless you for the good work you are doing in blessing us
  • Thank you pastor for being their for when I was going through tough time of my life, they were my low moments when I only saw darkness in my eyes, you took your precious time to counsel and pray with me for God to open my eyes to see the good plan He has for my life. Going through a divorce is not something easy. God sent you to my life for a reason.
  • Thank you for finding time to come and preach during funeral of my aunt, our family needed a word of comfort and God used you in timely manner to bring it home. We really appreciate for your coming and God bless you pastor for the good work you are doing.
  • Pastor, I was overwhelmed by joy to see you coming to the hospital to pray with us when my son Joe was born, your word of comfort came at the time when I needed it most, I felt like the pain had disappeared as you were speaking, the prayers you offered brought healing to my body. Thank you pastor and God bless you

thank you pastor for everything

  • On behalf of myself and my family, I want to take this earliest opportunity to say thank you for the prayers you offered to our son who was proceeding for further studies, he has settled and now adopting to the new environment, we appreciate and thank you very much for the wonderful work you are doing of serving us and leading all of us to Christ, May the good Lord keep you in perfect peace as you do the work that God called you to do, we ask you to keep praying for our son and God bless you always. Thank you pastor

thank you pastor for everything

thank you pastor for everything

Lord of Mercy, thank you for the love and care that you have for us.

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