Thank you note to pastor

Looking for thank you note to pastor messages to share with your pastor to appreciate him for being your favorite pastor and for being there for you.

Find great messages below to thank your pastor

thank you note to pastor

  • Let me take this precious moments to greet you in Jesus name, on behalf of my family we want to say thank you for stepping in during our lowest moments in life, your  prayers and word of encouragement has always had a great impact in our lives, we always thank God for cross.i g paths and we know that God has a purpose and reason for you being our pastor and us members, we always praise God for that. We pray that may our good Lord be with you always so that you can serve as many people as possible 
  • Let me say thank you pastor for conducting a big gospel campaign in our area, the message was clear and at home, God used you in a wonderful way to speak to us, the word that you sowed in our hearts with love will help us move closer to you. God bless you always pastor

thank you note to pastor

Every Sunday when you stand to speak I feel some energy running through and guess it is the Holy Spirit speaking to me. Your word and the way you arranges the sermon  really touches me so much, my prayer is that. May our good Lord keep using you as you share with us messages that come from heaven. God bless you pastor 


Hello pastor, as a family we are very much grateful for your prayers during this difficult moments when the world is coming to terms due to the epidemic of the corona, your encouraging verses that you have kept sending to us, has given us hope to keep trusting the Lord that all shall be well in Jesus name, we thank you and ask you to keep praying for us. We always thank God for having you as our pastor. 

  • Through the mercies of our Lord Jesus. I want to take this opportunity  to say thank for the word and prayer that you offer regularly in Jesus. We pray to our heavenly God to keep on filling you with wisdom and knowledge to keep performing the duties that you have been called to do. May God bless you and your family.

thank you note to pastor

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