welcome speech for new pastor

Here is the welcome speech for new pastor for you

I know you are looking for a speech to help if you are welcomed in the new church that you have posted.

So you feel stuck and don't know what to say.

We have made it easier for you, we have prepared a template that you can download and we have good news for you, you not only access one template but you will have an opportunity to have many templates in one stop.

How have we arranged in one stop where you can be able to choose from, you will not miss to get a template that has a theme or wording for the day.

You will only change a few words, maybe when it comes to mentioning the church, the outgoing pastor and so on but the rest will remain intact because we know what is supposed to be said and we have made it easier for you, so don ' Don't worry about what you are going to say.

We have made it possible for you.

This is what you need to do to access the templates, you have to pay $ 9.75 for you to download the template which has got over 200 speeches and letters too.

Just pay through PayPal, we have the button below here ..

Once you have paid then you will have an automatic download page for you to choose from.

What a better deal you are going to get. We care for you and want the best for you.

Just remember that the templates are for you for unlimited use. We can never charge you anything more than the one time fee for you to access the templates.

For any question or concern, feel free to contact us any time.

welcome speech for new pastor

The senior pastor, church management and church members present.

I salute you through the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning to you all.

Let me take this precious opportunity that the Lord has given me to thank the almighty Father who is in heaven for allowing me to be here today and to stand before thanking you for allowing me to come and serve this church ..... .. ..........

welcome speech for new pastor

The above is just a sneak preview of an introduction to one of the templates that you are going to get.

You are guaranteed that we have taken our time to prepare the speeches.

Thank you for visiting our site, may our go

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